How do i tell the sex?


my girlfriends mom found these plants there like 10 inches tall, how can i tell the sex? ill post pics later when i go there.



Well-Known Member
Do a google image search for 'sex marijuana' and itl bring up many pictures.

The most you can expect to see on those plants will be pre flowers, which will be two hairs pointing upwards for a female, and a pair of small circular sacks (usually hanging down) for a male. Although if the plants are vegging they may not have pre flowers.

Im currently 2 weeks into my first grow, got 3 auto ak-47's (the auto flower element means they show sex earlier) and two of them have just shown sex. Was rather unsure what I was looking for, but trust me, you'l know when you see it.


Well-Known Member
The id say they havnt shown sex. They need to go on 12/12 lighting so they start flowering, then they will show.


Well-Known Member
The plants probably aren't big enough. It usually takes about 3-4 weeks indoors and starts around the 5th or 6th node set.


are you sure i should putt them into flower already there not even a foot tall lol sorry for n00b questions


Well-Known Member
no dont put it into flower yet, just let it grow out and wait for it to show sex. in the meantime, study up on how to grow, what the plant needs, etc. if u just put it in the backyard and let it go, u wont get much from it. dont waste your time and learn


sweet thanks for the advice im just gonna fuck around with the ones i got now and then grab some afghan clones and give it a shot!