How do i trim my plants to get better lite to lower buds


Active Member
I'll experiment with the crappy lite I have for now. But I'll check out the T5 and the CFL for the next cycles for sure.

I'm just hoping to yield enough with this first cycle to make the initial setup a worthwhile purchase. I spent $1000 on my setup and I cant afford much more during the current holiday season. But I look forward to improving things with the lites you mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Before spending money on more lights, you should consider doing some research on different types of lighting, HID lighting, non HID lighting, pretty much all types of lighting.

Theres a lot to learn, but the more you know the less money you end up spending on stuff you might not need.

Check out the grow FAQ, its like the growing bible, you will learn a lot.

Good luck.



Active Member
Thanks BC. I'll stop the barrage of questions for now, and do some more research.

But again, this site, and these forums are awesome and I genuinely appreciate the help.

Take it easy