How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?


help me if anything looks wrong tell me wat i need and dont need the smallest is 3 weeks growing really slow and the mid is 3 weeks growing pretty slow and the biggest is its 3rd week just give me all tips and tricks thanx
i give the middle one miracle grow plant food all purpose and idk wen to use it and i give it to them all and also i am new at this are they in vegitate stage


Active Member
depends on the light cycle ... they shouldnt bud untill you cut the lights down to 12 hours dark time . Most use 18 hours light and 6 hours dark for veg. period untill they are ready to bud . Do you know your genetics - that middle one looks like somekinda oldschool sativa ... skunk maby ? also looks like it might need a little more nitrogen .. but be carefull .. they are easy to overdo when they are that young .. cut the mix down from the label to maby a third and slowly increase it as they get bigger and xan take more .... good luck ...


Active Member
You can start giving the middle one nutes because its 3 weeks.. The middle one is in the veg stage the rest are seedlings. You can't give nutes to the seedlings!!


Well-Known Member
then you need to grab a pot (pun intended) of coffee, a dozen jibs and read read read your arse off.
then sleep. get up. repeat.


Active Member
Haha I agree with timmahh

You should have read everything you need to properly grow marijuana before you decided to.


Well-Known Member
growing kill is really simple. you just have to have a basic knowlege of plants which most people do not. a t5 would veg those out real nice. if your just going to smoke it then you can flower with the t5 as well. if your planing on selling it I would go with a 400 hps for flower with a hortilux bulb get sum dense heavy buds. that miricle grow nutrient is garbage. if your looking for sumthing cheap age old gold is cheap i know first hand it works great. gud luck


Active Member
if they are not in flower, they are in veg. you need to wait about 2 months from germination (planting the seeds) until you switch to 12/12 light. make sure you lightproof the room in which it flowers. get a fan and DO NOT blow it directly on the plants. if you can, go to a local nursery and thy carry all kinds of nutes. when asking, tell them you are growing tomatoes. tomatoes and pot grow identically. id find something with a grow and a bloom. get a micro if they offer it but youll be fine if not. use the drain to waste feeding chart. cut that shit way down. 25-30% strength, you dont want to over fert them. its easy to do. use bottled water or RO water. tap water has chlorine. make it for a gallon at a time and shake the hell out of it. water them about every 3 days or so. wait til the topsoil in your pot(<-- hahaha) is dry and crusty. you dont want get root rot. so water one day, skip 2 days and water the 3rd. make sure you buy bulbs that are a usable spectrum (6500K-veg 2700k-flower)


Active Member
a cfl will work but a t5 or t8 would be better bc you can change the bulbs. try and get some mylar and cover everything with it.


Active Member
go to hastings or barnes and noble. buy The Cannabis Grow Bible 2nd edition. by Greg Green. it contains everything you need to know. read read and read some more. there is endless information out there and you can literally learn everything if you put in the time.
well i have read alot but idk were to get the items cheap but good quality and wat are the most improtant things i need now and not little things wats the price range around


I'm in the same position as you sloth. I have kept mine outdoor so 18/6 is not an option, I assume they just know when to flower outdoors? Also guys I am using organic worm soil I make in the backyard, any good for this purpose? Sorry sloth, didn't intend on hijacking your thread.