How Do Mine Look First Time Grower?


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same position as you sloth. I have kept mine outdoor so 18/6 is not an option, I assume they just know when to flower outdoors? Also guys I am using organic worm soil I make in the backyard, any good for this purpose? Sorry sloth, didn't intend on hijacking your thread.
make sure there are no street lights close by your back yard sumtimes your shit wont flower
I am also on my first grow and have 18 girls outside in 5 gallon pots. I would not use garden soil unless you add up to 1/3 perlite to assist with drainage. You CAN bring them in early to induce flowering but dont. Just keep them outside till they Finnish naturally to get the best yield.
a little yellowing in the middle of the leaf of a couple and wat are the basic set up that i can do i think mine is cheap but ima work soon and get more equipment


Sloth, how are yours doing, I had the yellow spots in the middle, came after that last east coast heat wave, over 104 in the DC area. However they recovered and are doing great. I mixed the worm soil with native soil and 1/6 potting soil for air. It has worked perfect. My contractor just outfitted my basement storage room, old school guy and commercial builder, so I think my room is even up to code. LOL. 6 sensi star, 6 hindu kush, 6 hollands hope, 2 400w hm/hps, 1 1000w hm/hps.


Well-Known Member
Worm castings are great shit...I use them but I buy them online and are shipped to my house.
You can grow fairly inexpensively from start to finish with a nice rich soil mix and minimum nutes.
If you're growing outdoors in the northern hemisphere the plant will start flowering when days and nights are equal about mid September.