how do my 4 week old plants look?


Well-Known Member
Yeah they should be taller by now.

How much light are they getting per day? How often do you water? Any nutrients yet? What kind of soil.

From seed they can take 1-2 weeks to sprout. Once they break soil is when you can't start counting. How long have they been above ground?

all comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. all content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic.


Active Member
Well i started them without doing much research..i figured they were weeds and i no how resiliant weeds can be, so i screwed up and started them in Scotts topsoil. I germinated them and the tap root broke the seed in 2 days, a day later the tap root was about a quarter inch long so i planted them in 1 gallon pots ....left them in there for around 2 weeks and my aunt offered me a bunch of free MG and being the ignorant noob i accepted it, mixed it with plenty of perlite and some organic humus then planted them in 5 gallon since then i have done tons of research and now know MG isnt the best...dont want to give up on them...ive grown a bit attached. ...they broke soil the end of may or the 1st of june..the mg has a 3 month supply of nutes at 9.5.7...i ONLY water them when the containers become light which is every 4 days or so but i mist the leaves daily because it averages about 90 dgrs down here....they recieve about 13-14 hours daily of sun


Active Member
I hope so....they look happy...just u have much experience with 5 gallon bucket grows indoor sun king?


Well-Known Member
First timer. I read they are supposed to be between a foot or two by now...any tips?

A foot or two???

Usely at four weeks there maybe at the most there a my current grow looks like yours but there taller and have a few more nodes

Mine is close to two feet now and its about 6 to 7 weeks above I believe

Being a indica it will naturally be smaller than sativa and hight does not matter

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
They look better than most new growers plants. Grats on keeping em alive!

Only thing i can think of is perhaps they need better drainage. How many holes did you put in the bottom of the bucket?


Active Member
About 7-9 silver dollar sized holes but i was thinking about drilling more around the bottom sides oh and thx...i just really hope they get bigger i actually have 3 others that sprouted at the same time that are tiny but bushy...they are merely 3 inches :( trying not to over think things but cant help but to be worried


Well-Known Member
"light which is every 4 days or so"

Even tho they don't look under watered I would water more often, can't wait till the bucket is light since I assume the roots haven't made it to the bottom of bucket yet. I would water every other day for a bit. 2 cents..... Good luck with the grow.


Active Member
Completely disregarded the fact that the roots havent reached farther down..ill water tomorrow morning first thing!!


Active Member
Sorry if this sounds dumb, but by watering you mean distilled water until 20% run off or a few cups per.container?


Well-Known Member
they look ok to me, maybe a bit spindly but they'll fill out, strain will play a part in size also, what you learn now you'll perfect on your next grow.....easier to look after in smaller pots. i usually put mine in a 1L pot until they practically outgrow it then into my 15L buckets for the rest of their life. just easier that way..more control...i normally aim to water 10% of the bucket size but ive never grown in bins your size.


Well-Known Member
So other than roots reaching out of the drain holes how can i tell if my plant has outgrown a small pot?
reaching out of the drain holes doesnt neccesarily mean it has out grown the pot, just means the roots have got to the bottom....have a look at a hydro grow and see how long they can get. youd need a bottomless bucket to put them in !!!!! take the pot off briefly and in low light and have a look......if they are rounding the grow medium then they are ready to move tumblr_mgjtl4m2yK1s28hfno1_500.jpg

when they start looking sickly or wilting then its been ready to move and you missed it, this causes shock and takes time for your plant to recover. dont be afraid to look in the pots at the roots.......just be quick ,careful and do it in low light or green light
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Active Member
Wow those are some major vein networks.....just noticed purple streaks on some of my bigger plants...any clue what it could be?,PhotoGrid_1404173687993.jpg


Well-Known Member
Wow those are some major vein networks.....just noticed purple streaks on some of my bigger plants...any clue what it could be?,View attachment 3192832

Its natural bro. Some strains have purple branches and what not, just genetics. It won't make any difference to the plant. Both of my current clones are purple stemmed and such but they grow really well.

Relax. ;)