How do my plants look?(Completel Newb)


Active Member
I am a complete newb, i posted on another topic because i was so excited. I was smoking awhile back...planted some seeds. Didnt think anything would grow. I came back about amonth later and i have 6 plants out of the ground exactly where i planted them at. I had a stick in front of them. And whats now infront of the stick is 6 weed plants(i hope). I looked at acouple pictures and im pretty sure they are really weed plants. I watered them for first time today. But it rained acouple hours about 2weeks ago. Tell me what i should do, or if they look healthy i would love all critisim



Well-Known Member
all that leaves around them you growing outdoors in the yard, right dude?;)

well i tell you something about our location you picked:
It fucked!

Jesus, the stretching sky-high since the spot is not sunny enough, maybe well hidden but also dark as a rats ass.

So, what to do? get potting soil or even better seeding soil, dig them out, put them for now into pots about half gallon sized ones, dig them so deep into the new soil that only the top 2" still show and put them into clear spot facing south where they get plenty of sun all day long.

if you done with this come back and report;)


Active Member
So dig them out, put them into a pot with bought soil. And put them into sunlight is all?

BTW - What happens if i dont do this??

And, what if i put them in new pot, with the same dirt that they started growing in. And jus put them into direct sunlight( but follow all other directions execept the soil part)
Would still work?


Well-Known Member
oh, and watch out that those pots or bucket or what ever you gone us for this got big enough drainage holes.

also the soil you should by should be a mixed soil with something like perlite or expanded clay for lighter soil and better drainage.

and i wanted you to plant them into pots so you can move them around in your yard till you find the perfect spot to finally dig them in;)


Well-Known Member
So dig them out, put them into a pot with bought soil. And put them into sunlight is all?

BTW - What happens if i dont do this??
they stretch some more, get to long and their stems gone crack on you, which means they die. you could still stabilize them with bamboo sticks, but then you looking into some 6-8ft high fuckers which are impossible to hide:roll:


Active Member
Blahh! Ok i will try this, i was shocked something actually grew there. I smoke daily and just throw the seeds away maybe i will try to plant more another part of my yard.

i will try to get to home depot and buy soil. or Wal-Mart. It will be pretty hard to find aspot that no one will notice. Because my yard(where all sunlight shines) Is facing the street where cops drive by daily. I will try to do this and update. Thanks for info. This is my first time trying this.



Well-Known Member
So dig them out, put them into a pot with bought soil. And put them into sunlight is all?

BTW - What happens if i dont do this??

And, what if i put them in new pot, with the same dirt that they started growing in. And jus put them into direct sunlight( but follow all other directions execept the soil part)
Would still work?
you could use your yard soil if you are cheap, since soil will cost you just a few bucks, but that yard soil is dense, water doesn't drain well with this. also is it loaded with bucks that may go for your plants. see, this up to you what you finally gone do but you asked and i'm been an outdoor grower for years and in my first year i used the soil i found in the location, shitty year that was:roll: after that i put in potting soil before planting the plants in i per-grew in jiffies under CFLs. this is way better for the roots, trust me;)


Well-Known Member
Blahh! Ok i will try this, i was shocked something actually grew there. I smoke daily and just throw the seeds away maybe i will try to plant more another part of my yard.

i will try to get to home depot and buy soil. or Wal-Mart. It will be pretty hard to find aspot that no one will notice. Because my yard(where all sunlight shines) Is facing the street where cops drive by daily. I will try to do this and update. Thanks for info. This is my first time trying this.

well pot them as i told you, get some 6500K/cool white compact fluorescent light bulbs from walmart or wherever you like and keep those really close, about an inch over their tops. don't let them touch the bulbs since this will burn them nor let the light get to far away on them since then the stretching starts again. grow them this way for 2 month on 18h light 6h dark. then they are matured to be flowered.


Active Member
Ok, thanks you've been great help. By the way do you have Yahoo Messenger? Or MSN. Would love to talk to your more about this instantly. since you seem to know what your talking about :)


Well-Known Member
if they are matured the light cycle gets shortent to 12/12 and you will need other lights too. for that you need bulbs in the range of 2700K and lower. best for this would be a HPS system, if you aiming for some fair weed with just a tiny potency to it you can go with CFLs too, but as my experiance tought me it ain't the way to go really.

if you should move indoors now, find a place such as a closet you don't need, paint it flat white (no tin foil or i will personally show up to clobber you!) get a fan in and set up some kind of ventilation system since our plants will need air (CO2 during light/O2 during dark) to grow, also keeps this the moister-level under control and prevents mold to grow.


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks you've been great help. By the way do you have Yahoo Messenger? Or MSN. Would love to talk to your more about this instantly. since you seem to know what your talking about :)
i got that, but hell no will i pass this on to someone on a cannabis forum, that is not personal, just hate to be locked into tiny spaces;)


Active Member
Ok thanks for your help. I will probly end up repotting them and shinning a light onto them. I was suprised anything grew. I would love for my first grow to be sucessful and lead to acouple of hours of greatness. The seeds are "mid" that was the weed i was smoking. Maybe i should sell the weed i grow from now on anyways thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
sure, you welcome, don't get caught trafficking;)

and dude, do some reading in this forum, but watch out, there is a lot noob talk lately. the best for you would be to check out those grow vids you can find up in the stickies of the noob section;) to take all in them for granted but they give a ruff idea for sure:D