How do people get the power too maintain all this without being booked?


Well-Known Member
Wow 5 more pages than i thought would be here when i got back from lunch lol up to 15. So where are we now? he has a cell phone V3 right? so he can take the pictures but he cant upload... (oh yea likely story). This is turned out to be one the most entertaining threads in a while, well I am back now, so +1 for the RIU team... game on


Well-Known Member
I've seen a lot of experienced people give a lot of advise to people who don't know sh*t just by saying "can you please help"


Active Member
all its takes is a please, and telling the truth of your situation, so you can get accurate help.
ManN what do you think i am doing i am trying to give accurate info but you don't believe so now im searching every website to get a free version of Motorola Mobile Phone Tools so i can just prove all this stupidness and get some proper help instead of being mocked for something thats true lol so give me abit i am lookin for dat site righ now so i can get the program