How do people get the power too maintain all this without being booked?


Well-Known Member
am i gonna have to find you your free version of moto phone tools too...... get ready to check your PM cause i want to see these "pictures"

***Scratch that, heres the link, thought i would put it here so you couldn't say you never got it

LINK: RapidShare Webhosting + Webspace

do you need help installing and using it too?


Active Member
and when i do get this working i will not be posting my plant pics just yet i might take a couple but not until i feel everything is safe for me nutrients and how the boxes are connected and i'll show u the size of the boxes and some pictures of plants.. won't post proper pictures until i feel entirely safe


Well-Known Member
I thought all you kids were teh l33t Hax0rs, but a cell phone cam has you stopped dead in your tracks. This is 2008, pictures aren't this hard.

I don't believe you and I believe everybody.


Well-Known Member
I'm using 130w for my veg room (CFL) and I'm gona be using the same for my flower room to and yet I still haven't gotten a phone call

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
ManN what do you think i am doing i am trying to give accurate info but you don't believe so now im searching every website to get a free version of Motorola Mobile Phone Tools so i can just prove all this stupidness and get some proper help instead of being mocked for something thats true lol so give me abit i am lookin for dat site righ now so i can get the program

You again! I honestly don't believe anything you say now! What 20yr doesn't know how to use a cell phone!

Put down the crack pipe!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
and i ain't tryin to use proper grammer you tard im just typing real quick too get my msg out damn fool wants me to proof read my shit n everything haha

ROFLMFAO!!!! Ummmm you write like ^^^ and you call ME a tard????

Grammar, spelling, sentence construction..... who cares when you can be "ghetto chic" like all the other 12 year olds. ;)


Well-Known Member
lol searching every web site... i searched one and found it in less that 3 minutes... you need to step your game up little guy. and now no pictures cause you dont feel safe?? you fucking gave out your old cell number but wont post a couple pictures?? wow real believable


Well-Known Member
he obviously has something to prove.

i know if i had 50 plants under cfls veggin just fine and didnt post no pictures.... i damn sure wouldnt be trying to take pictures to pleases the one who calling me a liar and shit.


Too many brownies
"Just one person sort of knows, and thats the police informants partner to grow this year, and he saw me bringing over 1000$ of nutrients out of my house one day, and was asking questions but I had told him i am going to throw them away, and thats about it, but he's smart he must have known cause it wouldn't be my first time trying to grow either.."



Well-Known Member
Hey karma, dont let the others bring you down. After your done with that 2 27 w cfl grow, you should have about half a bowl of weed to smoke. Look forward to that half a bowl!!!! Make sure you buy a 500cfm carbon filter so the cops dont find that crop, I can smell it from here dammit!!!


Active Member
figure it out yourself man, thats 9/10 of everyday life and especially growing. Most every post is about some bullshit question that has been answered elsewhere, figure your own stuff out and don't ask people how to use your phone and upload your pictures, it's idiotic.


Well-Known Member
Thank God for California's prop 215. Santa Barbara has 10 medical pot centers. Two fully stocked hydro stores.And the mayor is down with it.