How do people get the power too maintain all this without being booked?


Well-Known Member
It was great, I didn't have shit to do that day.
That sure killed some time.
I think I smoked about an 1/8 during that bloodletting.


Well-Known Member
wow people are so ignorant.. I plan on using this site for this season so I don't fuck anything in my crop up why would i start off by coming on and bullshitting about something so stupid and actually carrying on stupid coversations with people about this, I got better things too do if i could prove this i would love too but i just wanted to share this and try finding out what its about and you call me a liar your a loser for saying that.. I am only trying to get too the bottom of why this could have even happened and i thought this would probably be the best place too find out why.. so if your going to msg with some stupid replys that I am lying why bother I am just trying to get some type of answer for this.. we have never gotten a call from the electricity company before EVER and out of nowhere i start growing some plants and they call its just not right.. something doesn't add up and its gotten me paranoid thats all..

i have been Reading this post and laughing my ass off. you know why i call Shenanigans as well???

if anyone in this place had busts going down on the block and direct inquiries being made on them about knowing they are growing bud anyone else would have shut the shit down and cleared all evidence of the activity.
but you keep right on Growing it.

something else you seem to have missed.
if the electric company knew you were growing and called you on it ( they would not) they would be basically breaking the law! they would be giving you time to remove evidence no i don't think so

one of 2 things happened here
1 your so called friends are fucking with you.
2 you just like to make shit up.


Well-Known Member
why to go mrbuzzsaw revive a 2 month old thread.... i wish karma696969 was still around, he made the work day fly by....oh well brought back some good memories


Well-Known Member
i just got a note from karma,the little bastard is up in the yukon teaching eskimoes how to grow a pound of weed under 2-27 watt cfl,s.hes chargeing 500 dollars an hour for his seminars,word on the tundra is that the power companies are wondering why every inuits hydro bill has gone up by the amount used by 2-27 watt lights.Im hearing stories of wives not cooking one meal a day so as not to alert the power companies,this idea was recomended by karma himself.On the bright side it is good to see he has a summer job to pay for univercity,as well as his secret grow.


New Member
juss for the record nobody in this thread knows anything about growing weed take notes from me ppl,,,
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Well-Known Member
i just got a note from karma,the little bastard is up in the yukon teaching eskimoes how to grow a pound of weed under 2-27 watt cfl,s.hes chargeing 500 dollars an hour for his seminars,word on the tundra is that the power companies are wondering why every inuits hydro bill has gone up by the amount used by 2-27 watt lights.Im hearing stories of wives not cooking one meal a day so as not to alert the power companies,this idea was recomended by karma himself.On the bright side it is good to see he has a summer job to pay for univercity,as well as his secret grow.
Back by popular demand, good shit. REP+ for making me LOL.:peace:

Need to make it a "STICKY" thread.:twisted:

What the "new ?" guy worried about ??:peace: HMMMM


Well-Known Member
juss for the record nobody in this thread knows anything about growing weed take notes from me ppl,,,
LoL right buddy, why you want to copy my name? trying to be me? wait i know this is Karma696969 .... you've been reported, hopefully they ban you from life..... :spew:(your face)


Well-Known Member
You know whats the funniest thing out of all of this.. I fully know the electricity company can not just detect 2 cfls connected over 15 days but some how, some way they did and seriously they did call my house. I have know idea why or anything i have done this before and this is the first time anything like this has happened. Also I did have a friend that later turned out to be a informant for the cops, turns out this guy was giving up info on everything and everyone from the biggest drug dealers that deal with kilo's on end, too the smallest dealers grabbing 3 to 5 pounds a week i.e ME LOL, but he did not know anything about my grow i had ditched him long ago and haven't ever mentioned my grow to him.. but he is doing a grow with one of my friends, that sort of knew i was doing a grow with 2 of my friends but could not prove it he just saw me bringing over 1000$ worth of nutrients into my house one day and thats about it.. so you guys think it could have been this guy that snitched on me so thats why they kept an eye on my house? P.S I never EVER got caught for anythinggg too do with drugs so I am not looking too start now.. I know this thread seems idiotic and impossible but I would not make up such a stupid lie its the truth and i just don't understand any of it lol.

did you guys read the thread about the dude friend who had a band going and police said they knew which room had all the power in it? cause he was on a grid?...

i can get the thread if you want?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
ROFL.... well well well.... look what thread is back from the dead. I love this thread... it's HYSTERICAL!!!! Now all we need to do is dig up GP420's lava lamp/fork thread and the night will be complete :lol:


Well-Known Member
Here's hopin that poor dumb kid isn't in jail & grows up to be a decent, non-fullofshit productive & fun loving human being. I mean I'm sure we all were @ his maturity level @ some point in our lives. Hopefully we were past that by age 20 but anyhow I hope he has grown up a bit, discovered the benefits of honesty & is safe & well in all his goings on.


Well-Known Member
I just don't get it, The electricity Company calls my place for Cfls and everyone here has got 1000 watt lamps and such runnin.. How?
this thread has been posted before i call bullshit.
listen man my fucking computer has a 1000 watt power supply
between my computer and my color lazer printer i pull 2000 watts easy in one room
no way your cfls are causing that
besides if the electric company called me i would tell them to pound sand


Active Member
i just got a note from karma,the little bastard is up in the yukon teaching eskimoes how to grow a pound of weed under 2-27 watt cfl,s.hes chargeing 500 dollars an hour for his seminars,word on the tundra is that the power companies are wondering why every inuits hydro bill has gone up by the amount used by 2-27 watt lights.Im hearing stories of wives not cooking one meal a day so as not to alert the power companies,this idea was recomended by karma himself.On the bright side it is good to see he has a summer job to pay for univercity,as well as his secret grow.

Thank you.
That one comment made this 40 pages of bs worth reading.
Havent laughed that hard in awhile