How Do the Girls Look? First DWC


King Tut
In your OP, you said it wouldn't work out b/c of space. You'll get better yield DWC. i do ok organizing. How much room do you have?


King Tut
Curious b/c i am going DWC in a few weeks. 2 sites to start and experiment before switching over completely.
have about 2 feet wide, 4 feet long and 6 feet tall closet. Well the way i set it up it's taking up space because of the huge 5 gallon buckets they're in not too much room for much else not including the extra chords and pumps
and really there is not as much room for error is another thing about it. I mean i havent screwed it up yet but it only takes one little mistake in a DWC to make everything go wrong


King Tut
and really there is not as much room for error is another thing about it. I mean i havent screwed it up yet but it only takes one little mistake in a DWC to make everything go wrong
THAT is what scares me. i could design a 2-4 site system to fit in your closet, but like you said, temps, ppm, ec, tds, REAL fast nute uptake.....

Got me scared a little. But my buddy said he'll get me going. We'll see.

Still going soil until i have a few DWC grows under my belt. NOW i just need more light!