How do the mexicans do it?????

So I want to get a bunch of bud this season. Do people just throw a hundred of seeds in dirt and spray some nutrients on them and hope the best when they grow mids. I was thinking about pouring $100 worth of soil on the ground (making a one foot bed) and placing a bunch of germinated seeds on them. Please dont criticize even tho it will be tempting lol. I just dont have the money at the time and need some extra bud.
Should i only expect like 5 grams a plant if i do it this way and take out the males hah.

Just an idea , i have a shit ton of seeds. I will be growing some nice plants with care but i really want to know how they get those 100+ grows to looks so good.

Good Mexican is good enough. Raised beds like you mention are an excellent way to grow outdoors regardless of soil quality underlying. Get your hands on any damned seeds, who cares if they are the same strain? Grow what may. Read Ruth Stout.
LMAO.......They are some loyal gals just dont cross them...the'll cut you But yes....hard working people....and I know there are a shit ton of issues regarding immirgation and such....dont really wanna go there but truth is...its a double edged sword......lets see....lets say you have a fifteen year old at home ....kid needs a job....what are the odds that the kid is gonna go apply for a job over at farmer Joe's potato field and corn we all know the answer to that one......I'm laid off right now.....what are the odds that I am gonna go apply with farmer Joe....out in the hot sun 14 hr days on your feet and knees all day....hmmmm....ok so we all know the answer to that who the fuck is suppose to go help farmer joe....cause you all know that we all gotta eat sometime.....They are about the only people that are willing to do all the shit that us Americanos dont want to do.....and thats nothing but the dam truth....period......give credit where credit is due....and the ones I know are pretty humble people to.....there are rotten apples anywhere you go.....rotten apples are not prone to one culture....they are prone to all cultures and peoples....

When I hear people bitch about Mexicans I always ask would they like to be out in the hot sun picking tomatoes or shoveling chicken shit or cutting peoples grass and other nasty, HARD labor work. We lived near the entrance of Yosemite National Park in California and the San Joaquin valley was only about 30 miles away. We went down this one road about 10 miles and all you could see from horizon to horizon on both sides of the road were orange trees, totally loaded with huge oranges. Guess who swarmed in to pick all those? If you want a pony, you're gonna have to shovel some sheet; it goes with the program.
When I hear people bitch about Mexicans I always ask would they like to be out in the hot sun picking tomatoes or shoveling chicken shit or cutting peoples grass and other nasty, HARD labor work. We lived near the entrance of Yosemite National Park in California and the San Joaquin valley was only about 30 miles away. We went down this one road about 10 miles and all you could see from horizon to horizon on both sides of the road were orange trees, totally loaded with huge oranges. Guess who swarmed in to pick all those? If you want a pony, you're gonna have to shovel some sheet; it goes with the program.

Dam straight it does....and you got my point exactly.....that is exactly correct and true...FACT......interesting how people love to bitch about how they are taking american jobs....and ok...there is some truth to that....but lets say, just for the sake of agreeing with those who say it....ok we wont let them wk here no all those jobs are open to yall!!! many american citizens do you suppose would be lined up for those a matter a fact...if that truly was the case....why dont we see american citizens out there picking those oranges....surely farmer joe would be happy to give a fellow citizen that job...i'm sure of it.....thats not to say that some or many of these workers arn't already american get the message....