How do these look?? Advice please

Hi guys, Been reading around a bit and looking at pics, But figured only way I'm really gonna know is to ask.

Basically, A friend knew someone who had to get rid of some plants, So I said I'd take them, I knew nothing about growing 10 days ago!

I have 7 plants, Unknown strain, They had apparently been planted in June. But were in Tiny pots on a window sill in a kitchen.

I have done some quick DIY job in my wardrobe, coated with Tin foil, and A 125w (7900 Lumen) CFL lamp (All I could get hold of on short notice)

Has been 9 Days total I have had them.

The first 3 days they didn't grow at all. So I re-potted into larger pots, with new compost. & mixed a tiny bit of 'Miracle Grow' into their first water.

Over the last few days they seem to be growing about half an inch per day (Give or take, Its hard to be exact)

As I know nothing about growing could someone more experienced have a look at these photos & give me your opinions please.

Do they look healthy?
Should I flower? or let them grow more?

Also another question I have regarding Lighting (I know the 125w light isn't good enough)

Is there a rough guide to Watt output = Lumen output?
Cause I've been looking at 600w HPS/MH bulbs n some say 90,000 lumens, Others say 50,000.. But same watts, same type..
Don't see how it can vary such huge amounts, or can it??

Thanks guys I appreciate your time & I'll keep updating with newer pics as the grow continues. =)



Active Member
Wattage: 400 W covers about 4' X 4' grow area
600 W covers about 5' x 5' grow area
1000 W covers about 6' x 6' grow area

Your plants look healthy to me. I would top them at around the 4th node, to remove the strecth and repot them into a 2 or 3 gal container. This will create 2 maind stems as well. Then wait about 2 weeks to let them recover from transplanting. When they go into flower they should go into a big stretch during the 2nd and 3rd week of flowering where they will grow about an inch a day so you will need the vertical room.


Active Member
Also tin foil is not a preferred method of reflection. If you have flat white paint in your closet it is about 85% reflective. Much better than aluminum foil. Also if you need to use the foil you want the flat side out not the shiny side, better reflection.


Active Member
50,000 Lumens is a 400 W HPS bulb
90,000 Lumens would be a 600W HPS bulb

600 W is the most efficient of either 400, 600 and 1,000W HPS.
Sorry about so many posts. Each read I am picking up something else.


New Member
Nice job , you ll want to remember that tight shoes make mary tall ... Meaning small pots make tall plants . Topping them as suggested would help as well but you may LST them as well if you please ... Nice to look at a newbie who has not killed there plants in veg let alone flower , 4 th week is where most beginners fail there my friend .....


New Member
Forgot to note that flowering them now will roughly double there size when done .. If you top them to increase branching wait a few weeks before flowering ....... Choice is yours in the end ...
Hey guys Thank you for all your responses! I've taken your advice on board. I've taken some more photos for you, Think they are coming on alright? I've noticed couple of the plants are growing slower (few grew 2in in couple of days, others only 0.5) could this be a problem with those plants?

What I'm planning on doing now, Is building a grow box outside (As you can smell them slightly thoughout the house now) I'll put foil the other way around, n I have a 250w CFL in the post, (2700k) for flowering. n I'm probably just going to repot them into much larger pots & start them on a 12/12 in the next few days.

I have many friends atm asking around constantly if I know anyone they can get smoke from, so quicker I can bud these the better =)

I want to try & clone some at the same time, Is this easy to do? Can someone give me a link to a decent tutorial?

Anyway here are the new pics, Some close ups, What d'ya think? =)
Right, so I am building the outside grow area today, Also I'm going to re pot into much larger pots.

Couple of new pictures, Can see in the close up the bottom leaves on a couple plants have gone a lighter green than the rest of the plant, Is this a problem?

I'll stick up some more photos later of the plants when they are in their new grow room =)IMG_0209.jpgIMG_0213.jpg
Ok so I put up a couple of sheds, Found some plastic stuff n wood n build the grow room in one corner of the shed.

Haven't got around to re potting the plants or setting up the light but will do that tomorrow hopefully.

Couple of pics so far, Which will be better for reflection?


Shall I paint the inside white, Or put up tin foil?
