how do these look? little over 1 wk from germination


Well-Known Member
yep...n00b...seperate those babies so they don't fight for root space...get some soil and mix it with perlite for drainage and give them their own lil pot/cup...good luck...they look good but do some reading..


New Member
What are you growing in? Is that straight peat moss?
Hoffman's seed starting mix. I'm going to switch them to there own pots right now. should I keep using this soil? i don't klnow what else to use at this early stage . . .especially adding any nutrients. i've just been watering them........


Well-Known Member
I would get them each into thir own solo cup. I would about 30-40% perlite to it. Make sure you have drain holes in cups. No nutes.

They look okay to me. Some discoloration at this stage doesn't scare me.

So I guess I am saying listen to Sonic...


Well-Known Member
what's wrong with them?
haha...don't listen to him he don't's cause you topped them early they look odd, but healthy...and listen to dad NO NUTES!! not until those lil round leaves (cotyledons) start to wilt and your bottom leaves start to turn yellow...not turn yellow...but start to turn and then hit them with 1/4 strength nutes and work your way up so the little ones get used to being fed...and I personally use a 50/50 mix on soil and perlite, it makes them dry out faster so I can give them fresh water/food sooner, kinda like a hydro in soil..also it lets them get O2 to the roots...good luck and welcome to
Your most powerful grow tool is knowledge, learn to grow before you grow not the other way around, but ya they look fine bro just remember read read read read read as much as you can and keep it simple.


New Member
I looked up what topping was and I actually haven't done that to them. I just germinated each one, put them in soil, then watered... The cotyledons on the plants are all slightly shriveled, and theres some slight greenish yellowing on the leaves. BUT OK I guess my biggest questions are.....How can I transplant them safely? And what nutrients should I use soon? There;s some straight worm castings(shit) I can get......I just don't know. Thank you for time


Well-Known Member
They won't need nutes for a couple weeks. The seed starter had all it needs.

Not to be sarcastic but how to transplant - carefully. Just be gentle. I would prob take a butter knife and cut through so each plant had it's own section. Then I woud take a tablespoon or one slightly larger and get it a couple inches under and scoop. Have the new cup ready. put some perlite at the bottom, fill with the soil ( with perlite mixed into it as well). At the top, as best you can, create a void about the size of the scoop and lay it in there, Tap it down lightly.


New Member
Here's an update with some pictures.... They're 2 weeks in now.


I transplanted them 2 days ago. One is drooping because I may have overwatered it. The other ones bottom leaves are yellowish and all of the plants cotlydons are shriveled up. When I transplanted some of the smaller roots were torn off but I think it's ok......Should I start using nutrients? If so what should I use? Sorry if someone already answered that but I can't read all replies renow


Well-Known Member
I would have used new soil that wasn't a germination mix personally, and it does look like the mixture is a little hot, which doesn't make sense because there shouldn't be any nutes to speak of in that type of mix. How is the PH of your water? Also, why aren't those plants in the center of the cups after you transplanted. Is there a reason for it?


Is it really?? It's the same seed starting mix I've been using

Dont panic... They are fine, just hold of the nutes... That seeding mix will hold them fine for another week i reckon... That yellowing - although it looks odd im pretty sure its nothing to panic about. The newer leaves look healthy as... Put em in a dome for humidity, dont drown them... Keep em warm and under good light... Remember good light controls stretching...

i actually have no experience really.. Im only on my 3rd grow... But those kids look fine...


Well-Known Member
This is not what RIU is built on. We were all their man... don't you remember?
I'd be more then appreciative if you change what you've said..
Thanks! :peace:

As for the OP. His advice is good.. I suggest you take it.
If you would have read my next post where I defended him you would have noticed the sarcasm in my words about the "n00b"...cuz fuck I'm a'll be the first to admit it..but I read and read and read and learn by trial and error and asking questions I "can't" find an answer to any where on this forum......huuuuuuh..(taking breath)....and now I don't ask questions, I help answer them, hopefully :lol: but that's cool, you don't know me, my names anyone who knows me, knows I don't put anyone down for tryin' to learn to grow, but try to tell them to read as I answer most of their questions...and I'm sorry if I offended you, I may have been high :bigjoint:, hope that's not against the rules :o


New Member
sdhould I put them in new soil now, the leaves are yellow on the bottom and completely crinkled up. give one more week? what should i do help me pl help me