how do these look

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
That yellowing is normal, the little buds still have alot of energy and are suckin out all the nutes they can get... no reason to worry.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
25 pounds doesn't seem too expensive for one of those, but don't forget you also need to invest in more nutes. I'd give it a go if I were you, it's really cool to try out...


Well-Known Member
i have a nearly full bottle of biobizz bloom and i orderd this
1 X 5115, Oxy-Pot 1 Pot Kit @ GBP 24.42 = GBP 24.42
1 X 0848, Grodan Large Cuttings Seed Cubes x 24 @ GBP 4.16 = GBP 4.16
1 X 5555, Canna PK 13/14 250 mls @ GBP 4.88 = GBP 4.88
1 X 0702, Bio Bizz Grow 1 Litre @ GBP 9.79 = GBP 9.79


Well-Known Member

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I suggest, if you don't want to spend too much on seeds, try they sell individual seeds from alot of well-known seed companies. Take a gander. I personally would go with Alaskan Ice.

As for instructions, there's alot to say... I suggest you check a FAQ...

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Just a little advice about germinating... leave your seeds in a moist, not wet, paper towel or toilet paper and put a blow over to maintain humidity. Keep this on a radiator (not too hot, it should be comfortable to keep your hand on it). Spray the paper 2-3 times a day if it gets dry.

This is what I do and in 1-2 days the seed is ready to be put in soil. 100% germination chances.


Well-Known Member
well its not hot in there but its not cold. but it allways same temp roughly hopefully my stuff i orderd will get here tomoz n i can start 2 off


Well-Known Member
right my big buds arent lookin too good as i look at them 2day and both big bud plants were droopy still. also loads of dead crispy dead leaves. and they are about 1 and half feet tall. and basicly have no leaves. can i put them back into veg or will it be tooooo stressy for them

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
No, definitely do not reveg.
Also, I don't kno if I've mentioned, but don't pull yellow leaves off, because the plant hasn't finished sucking out all the nutes from the leaf and its stem.

You should water less if leaves are falling off, since the loss of leaves will determine a lower possibility of water absorption.


Well-Known Member
cheers for the reply. the leaves were hard and crispy and hangin and just crumbled when i touched them so i nocked them off. also another question i got to ask is can i re use soil from the male plant pots if i flush them out or is this not advised as im out of money and need some more soil for the grow when my bucket and nutrients get here.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
The usual method of reusing soil is:

Remove all roots from the used, dry soil. Bake the soil in the over for 1h at 220C in order to remove unwanted parasites or microorganisms. Leave soil moist for 24h at room temp. Now it's reusable.

Most people that reuse soil usually mix 50% old soil with 50% new soil.

You should know that reused soil contains less nutes and microorganisms, so it is indicated during a new grow to use a bit more nutes and molasses.

I've heard that after 4 reuses most soil becomes useless.


Well-Known Member
i received the my oxy pot today i was thinking that if i have to change it every week what do i do when it comes to changing the water. do i have to store up loads of bottles allready ph'd to refill and mix them with the grow nutes

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
When it came to flushing or changing the watering solution, I simply threw out the old one, mixed a new one and just dumped it in.