How Do these look

welfare train

Active Member
These are some pretty good bagseed that have been veging for about 2 weeks or so.

I have two of them in the veg box and the first two pics are of the one I topped.

The next two pics are of the one that is tied down but I would like to supercrop her. How exactly do I go about doing that and is it ready for supercropping or should I wait longer?

I have read up a bit on supercropping but am still unsure about it.





These are some pretty good bagseed that have been veging for about 2 weeks or so.

I have two of them in the veg box and the first two pics are of the one I topped.

The next two pics are of the one that is tied down but I would like to supercrop her. How exactly do I go about doing that and is it ready for supercropping or should I wait longer?

I have read up a bit on supercropping but am still unsure about it.


I could be wrong but, that plant looks pissed off:-(


Well-Known Member
the first one looks great, the second one looks like it could be tied down a little bit closer to the main stalk just my opinion, they look pretty good though


Well-Known Member
better to be pissed off than pissed on, i always say....

look good to me.....
duuhhh a stupid is as stupid duz...logically speaking the shit is too much bent up top, bend it lower to get best results, otherwise you will be bending the whole grow seriously, bend at the base, and get multiple tops not one main top and the rest off that, thats the whole point of lst to have multiple tops, the way your doing it you will have a good yeild low, but higher yeilding top, u want to keep the top LOWER than the other sites, to give them the opportunity to grow bigger or equal. THEN release them and let it grow like madness


Active Member
duuhhh a stupid is as stupid duz...logically speaking the shit is too much bent up top, bend it lower to get best results, otherwise you will be bending the whole grow seriously, bend at the base, and get multiple tops not one main top and the rest off that, thats the whole point of lst to have multiple tops, the way your doing it you will have a good yeild low, but higher yeilding top, u want to keep the top LOWER than the other sites, to give them the opportunity to grow bigger or equal. THEN release them and let it grow like madness
is this post the reason you say i better be dieing of cancer? because i made a funny?
well, just so you know. i am, not of cancer though. and i do try to make the time i have left enjoyable. again, i apologise for offending you. i sent you a friend invite, i hope you can accept it along with my apologies. we may be able to bounce growing ideas off each other.