How do these look


These are some plants that we started some time ago we've tryed keeping the leaves trimmed up to allow more bub groath right now the lights are on for 14 and off for 10 could any one make some comments


Well-Known Member
Why do people persist to grow before they read anything about it? you joined in Dec 2012? nearly a year ago,do you understand what photosynthesis is??? 1 your plants wont grow hardly any bud with your light that far away it will just stretch, 2.your plant will find it hard to go bud when its been stripper down to 1 leaf i feel so sorry for this plant


Well-Known Member
"trimmed up"!?! Good grief homie.

I'm on the side of those who do proper pruning, but you have no hope for that plant. It's so stretched you'd need a 55 gallon drum to replant it deep enough.

You need to go back to the drawing board. Read all the stickies in the Newbie section, and read "The Basics" section from this site:

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
OMFG, what kind of plant is that? I think it might be the rare Tim Burton pheno of the strain cannabis idiotas suicidas.

ii dP ii

charlie brown tree if I've ever seen one. stick a christmas ball on there dude, it's never gonna give you any buds for sure.


Well-Known Member
Nice plant !

Certainly not the usual newbie picture of discolored leaves. You figured out the solution.... remove the leaves!

If this is a troll, carry on. If not, you have a long and steep learning curve ahead of you.


Well-Known Member
Cut the top and clone it and leave the leaves alone, they need those to absorb light. good luck


Well-Known Member
HOLY MOLY THATS IS THE MOST BEAITIFUL STRAIN I HAVE EVER SEEN. What is it? Talking about a beast all yall hating on him. That will be the biggest plants for yeilding the littlest bud. Yes 1 little bud next time well try for 2 congrats