How do they look????? Curling....


Active Member
I had 5 five Northern Lights sprout on 4/1. One died due to getting stuck in the soil and breaking off from the stem. I am now left with 4. Vegging under 600 MH dimmed down to 50% (temps get too high at 100%). Temps get up to 85 degress during the day and 65-70 at night. I have 6" duct fan bringing fresh air in from the window. I have a big fan (non-oscillating) blowing air between the plants and light. It is blowing the plants a little but not too much. Light is about 24" away form the tops. I am using another 6" duct fan to extract hot air into the room where the 4x4 tent is. The plants look healthy but some of the leaves are curling up and shiny on the tips (you can sort of see this in the pics). Humidity is between 35%-45% and I tried to get this up a little with a bowl of water but didn't help much. I am growing with Miricle Grow Organic Potting Mix w/ 16% perlite mixed in ( I have not given any additional fertilizer besides what was already in the soil. I have a shitty PH meter from Lowes that says PH is right under 7 (probably not accurate). I have given them water twice after they have dried out. Last time I watered was 2 days ago (water until it drains out the bottom). I never transplanted these and started them right in the pot after germination.

My question is, what do you think the curling is from? One is curling a lot, 2 are curling a little, and 1 really isn't curling at all. I have tried to move the light futher away but didn't seem to help much. I have a 440 cfm vortex fan being delivered this week and that should pull more of the hot air out and get my temps around 80 (i hope).

Oh yea, I did spray some water with epsom salts (1 tsp/gal.) on the leaves last night before the lights went out thinking maybe they needed more magnesium. Any insight would be helpful.IMAG1008.jpgIMAG1010.jpgIMAG1011.jpgIMAG1009.jpgIMAG1012.jpg


Well-Known Member
the curling like a taco is from the temps being too high and too much light. Seedlings might or might not like that much light on them even if your 600 is dimmed.


Active Member
the curling like a taco is from the temps being too high and too much light. Seedlings might or might not like that much light on them even if your 600 is dimmed.
Cool....might have to go invest in some CFL's or something. Already spent way more then I wanted to but I don't want them to die. Thanks.

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
Curling because of all that heat.. Ideal temp is 72-78 degrees.. After 85 degrees you can expect some burning & stunted growth... Another thing, from what I've heard that miracle grow soil is not the best ( especially the time realeased fertilizer one) & most miracle grow mixes have a lot of nutrients which may burn seedlings when they are in such a delicate stage, if using the miracle grow on seedlings get the seed starter mix (it contains almost no nutes) you can probably hold off on feeding fur atleast the first 3-4 weeks . The seedlings don't need it yet. I burned mine by feeding too early ... Just a lil word of advice, I just went through a similar situation


Active Member
i did miracle grow for first grow and it worked but fought me the whole way i would plan on going fox farms next time...go with them for sure for nutes mg nutes screwed my babies up even with tiny doses just wasnt balanced right


Active Member
I am definatly going to change the soil next time. I hear fox farms is good so ill try that. I figured some of the curling was due to the nutes in the soil. I have the big fan coming soon so that should bring down temps a little. As for the soil, guess im just gonna wait a while to feed them and ride it out. Do the size of the seedlings look pretty standard for 10-11 days? They look very green and healthy besides the small curling.

Sims da smoker (Qboro)

Well-Known Member
from what I can see they look pretty good, it's hard to say a "standard" size for ten days.. I have a sativa dominant strain that was double the size of my other two indica dominant hybrids almost from day 1 it seems... I'm a little over a month into my grow now and my sativa is still double the size of the other two , so sometimes it's just in the genetics in my opinion... But as far as your seedlings go... They look fine!!! Keep doin ya thing


Active Member
there is water glistening on several of your leaves
i'll assume you recently watered your plants
ALL plants - reefer or not - "droop" a bit after being watered it's natural as hell
it's more visible in some than others
your seedlings look great man
noi worries
when you water though, you should fully saturate the soil - that's what spreads a sexy root ball and we ARE growing roots here, boys


Active Member
there is water glistening on several of your leaves
i'll assume you recently watered your plants
ALL plants - reefer or not - "droop" a bit after being watered it's natural as hell
it's more visible in some than others
your seedlings look great man
noi worries
when you water though, you should fully saturate the soil - that's what spreads a sexy root ball and we ARE growing roots here, boys
I have only watered a couple times but that glistening you see on the ends of the first two real leaves is always there. It never goes away. I have misted them a few times. other then the slight dropping of the first 2 leaves, they look ok. They have had pretty good growth in the past couple days too. Ill keep an eye on em. Thanks for all your help.