How do they look for 2 week old?

aoR Monday

Active Member
The one that seems to be messed up in the picture is mess up. It's edges are curling but I have fix the problem waiting for the plant to repair it's self but how do they look other then that?:peace:



Well-Known Member
Have you a cure for the leaf curl and twisting, i use to get it too, you say you have it fixed? Peace

aoR Monday

Active Member
Have you a cure for the leaf curl and twisting, i use to get it too, you say you have it fixed? Peace
No I dont have it fixed but from what everyone else has told me there is nothing you can do to fix it and there is no cause to it curling. But it's been a few days now and the plant just keeps growing. After it gets past the curls it striaghtens back up.


Active Member
looks like a micro grow. whats your strain? blues tend to do that naturally. if you cant repot then be prepared to water a lot. they look alright just keep an eye on it.


Well-Known Member
of course there is a reason. it is most likely having an adverse affect of the nutes. The plants are very weak at this point and as such display small problems in a big way.
if it isn't overwatering then it's most likely nute burn. if that makes sense to you then reduce the nute strength next watering. Iwould transplant at this point as suggested.
The damaged leaves don't really repair themselves but you should see significant improvement when you upon the right fix. They respond in a positive way just as rapidly as they display stress. You really should be shooting for NO STRESS. if you have a stressed plant then you fucked up. So stop fucking up.


Well-Known Member
when it's too hot or too humid the leaves will curl to keep cool, you should transplant in another 10-14 days. very nice sativa dominant looking plants.


Active Member
For you newer guys out there, copy this below into a txt file and save it on your desktop, it will prove invaluable to you.
This is not my work, it is copied from a book so I cannot take any credit. It works though.
For these leaves that are curling up, the suggestion is Mg deficiency so a little epsom salts should help. Or calmag if you have it.

1) a) If the problem affects only the bottom or middle of the plant go to #2.
b) If it affects only the top of the plant or the growing tips, skip to #10. If the problem seems to affect the entire plant equally, skip to #6.
2) a) Leaves are a uniform yellow or light green; leaves die & drop; growth is slow. Leaf margins are not curled-up noticeably. >> Nitrogen (N) deficiency.
b) If not, go to #3.
3) a) Margins of the leaves are turned up, and the tips may be twisted. Leaves are yellowing (and may turn brown), but the veins remain somewhat green. >> Magnesium (Mg) deficiency.
b) If not, go to #4.
4) a) Leaves are browning or yellowing. Yellow, brown, or necrotic (dead) patches, especially around the edges of the leaf, which may be curled. Plant may be too tall. >> Potassium (K) deficiency.
b) If not, keep reading…
5) a) Leaves are dark green or red/purple. Stems and petioles may have purple & red on them. Leaves may turn yellow or curl under. Leaf may drop easily. Growth may be slow and
leaves may be small. >> Phosphorous (P) deficiency.
b) If not, go to #6.
6) a) Tips of leaves are yellow, brown, or dead. Plant otherwise looks healthy & green. Stems may be soft >> Over-fertilization (especially N), over-watering, damaged roots, or
insufficient soil aeration (use more sand or perlite. Occasionally due to not enough N, P, or K.
b) If not, go to #7.
7) a) Leaves are curled under like a ram's horn, and are dark green, gray,
brown, or gold. >> Over-fertilization (too much N).
b) If not, go to #8…
8) a) The plant is wilted, even though the soil is moist. >>Over-fertilization, soggy soil, damaged roots, disease; copper deficiency (very unlikely).
b) If not, go to #9.
9) a) Plants won't flower, even though they get 12 hours of darkness for over 2 weeks. >> The night period is not completely dark. Too much nitrogen. Too much pruning or cloning.
b) If not, go to #10...
10) a) Leaves are yellow or white, but the veins are mostly green. >> Iron (Fe) deficiency.
b) If not, #11.
11) a) Leaves are light green or yellow beginning at the base, while the leaf
margins remain green. Necrotic spots may be between veins. Leaves are not twisted. >> Manganese (Mn) deficiency.
b) If not, #12.
12) a) Leaves are twisted. Otherwise, pretty much like #11. >> Zinc (Zn)
b) If not, #13.
13) a) Leaves twist, then turn brown or die. >> The lights are too close to the plant. Rarely, a Calcium (Ca) or Boron (B) deficiency.
b) If not… You may just have a weak plant.

aoR Monday

Active Member
I have no Nutes in yet. Its all organic for now. I thought I was going to transplant at 1 month and start 12/12 at 1 month and 1 week or is this wrong?


Well-Known Member
No I dont have it fixed but from what everyone else has told me there is nothing you can do to fix it and there is no cause to it curling. But it's been a few days now and the plant just keeps growing. After it gets past the curls it striaghtens back up.
So its got problems then!


Well-Known Member
The one that seems to be messed up in the picture is mess up. It's edges are curling but I have fix the problem waiting for the plant to repair it's self but how do they look other then that?:peace:

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looks great but are you 2 weeks from the day the plant has protruded through the soil???....could you please click on my signature and tell me what you think of my seedlings at about 6 days please?..its a new journal and only like 6 pages, might take 2 minutes...

aoR Monday

Active Member
Lmao No I have to leafs that are curled, the rest of the plant is fine. It just keeps growing healthy so I'm guessing there is no problem beside two leafs that wanted to look unique. I really don't think the curl on the sides hurts any of the plant. When I saw it I simply raised the lamp 2 inchs and let it keep it growing. No nutes I water every 3-4 days and its a happy plant.


Well-Known Member
Looks good kiddo
Don't transplant it yet
Just water. And make a solution of 1tsp/gal water of Epsom salts and water the plant with that. I only do it once a week.
Don't overwater.


Well-Known Member
Yeah cal mag is good. I wouldntnsay ES sucks though.
It's just way cheaper. Nd I never had any probs with it
I have great tap water which helps a lot too.


Well-Known Member
Yeah cal mag is good. I wouldntnsay ES sucks though.
It's just way cheaper. Nd I never had any probs with it
I have great tap water which helps a lot too.
Yer i agree it dosent suck if balance by calcium but it simply wont cure a cal/mag def only a mag def. Sorry i didnt need to point this out really but it is usefull to know. I do not have a lot of calcium in my tap water which is why epsom salts dosen't work for me and cal/mag did work, suppose it depends on the situation. Peace


New Member
Epsom salts is ok in a pinch but has its drawbacks when used on a regular bases, excess sulfur that the plant probaly does not need...