how do they look so far? 4weeks


Well-Known Member
nice healthy looking sativa or sativa dominant plant! great job! what strain is it?



DJ Losh

Active Member
ooh nice, i;d like to know what strain as well, im growing an unknown one from jamaica, and it looks just like that, then again im a novice but at least i know its pretty much all sativa!


Well-Known Member
Fancy DC's you have there. Those plants look nice and healthy. If you have the planetskunk seeds already, you can plant them. The plants won't be as big as your others and probably won't have as big of a harvest, but they should finish. I recommend planting a few and see how it works out for future reference. Keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
please keep us updated and whatever you get its FREEEEEE!, nothing beats free quality bud!




Well-Known Member
I'm impressed with your growth in just four weeks. did you put them in the ground as a seed four weeks ago, or did you put them outside after they germd or have they only been outside for four weeks but were started inside. nice plants, looking nice and healthy.



Well-Known Member
i threw them right into the ground w/out even germinating, the soil is what i dug up from the lower swampy area in my yard and halled it there to replace the sandy shit


Active Member
WOW!!!! i think they look great and i am so freakn jealous!! haha nah j/k.....hey i just germinated some seeds and i planted them in some pots and put em in the first grow a few weeks back have died already, this time im gonna do things a lil different. what i was wondering is it too late for all this? someone told me it wasnt, but im thinkin damn its almost july!! so if anyone can plz tell me my best options that'd be great!


Active Member
ok kool!! im in alabama and im sure your weather cant be too much different than mine.........very hot and there enuff time for the plants to mature and bud?