if your looking to turn your leaves back to a healthy green its an increase in nitrogen. Nitrogen is heavy in the vegetative stage, thats what causes the plants to stay a healthy green and leaf out. Once you get into the flowering stages potassium and phosphate are where its at. Your plant is wilting a bit also, as stated above, and thats from 1 of 2 possibilities. Your either watering too little or too much. A plant only needs 1-2 gallons of water a week.. you should water the plant, and then allow to let dry thoroughly, if done right, this is also gonna prevent your plants from getting root bound. Your temp should be around 70-80 when the light is on and at night drop to about 65-75 at night, but its not that big of a deal as long as the plant does have a temperature drop (the temp drop gives the plant a chance to relax and essentially "rest") If those were my plants, i would dead head on the bottom, and take some of the leaves out, or at least fluff the leaves around, make some openings through the canopy and have a fan or something along those lines on the plant enough to make it sway. This is gonna do a couple things for you. The fan on the plant is going to create an air current that is going to flow through your plant, which will keep the plant at the right temperature, in some cases a plant can get so bushy that it will "suffocate" from the inside out. The reason for that is because a plant thrives off of CO2, thats what a plant wants, not oxygen, if you have air inside the bush of the plant, then it will become dead air and it will sit there and do nothing, the CO2 will not be getting to the inner areas of the plant sufficiently. Touching back on the CO2, if you can, go to a local hardware store or a good gardening store, find some CO2 capsules and then release the CO2 on your plant.. your going to be amazed at the difference just that little bit will make. Now, second reason for the fan.. every plant reacts to stimulus, just like in chemistry, so therefore what can happen if the stimulus is a breeze blowing your plant..? your stalks of the plants are going to get mammoth, and the bigger the stalk, the less restriction you have for the production of food and utilizatoin of CO2 and water, the more green you create, the more green you will get
so a quick re-cap..
Nitrogen = vegetative state
phosphate and potassium = flowering
nutrients = i dont use much for nutrients, but bat guano is a good one, its a slow releasing nutrient so really no matter how much you put in, it wont burn the roots, although i wouldnt go overboard..
watering = 1-2 gallons a week, let thoroughly dry before watering again
temp = day/70-80 night/60=70(65-75)
if your plant is starting to bud and youve got a lot of brown hairs, your doin something wrong.. figure it out, ask some questions, and fix it..
happy blazin my fellow botanists