How do they look?


Active Member
Hello all, i have some plants growing indoors right now under 2 26w cfls. Eventually they will make their way outdoors. They are 18 days old and i was wondering how you guys think they look. I also included the last 2 pics of a plant that isnt growing at all and looks deformed. Im wondering what your guys take is on this. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Other than the last 2 pics plants are looking good. Looks nutrient burned to shit but that wouldn't make sense cause all your other plants are fine. If you still see no healthy new growth with in a few days I would get rid of her.:leaf:


Active Member
Thanks, I think its deformed somehow. The leaves on it are very thick. Its rather odd. but ya im gonna give it a few more days and then sadly throw her out lol. Thanks again and nice grow


Well-Known Member
I would defo bin the last two,you seem to have enough to be getting on with.As for the size,they dont seem to be to bad,i would prob get another bulb in there and just remember to keep them as close as you can.Other than that,looking good.


Active Member
Thnks, i actually picked up a power strip today for my fans so i can put another bulb on the current one. thanks for the reply


Active Member
nice grow ring'n. we are basically on the same status witht he same setup lol. Target has 6 inch cage fans that are super quiet for 6 bucks. thats what i use. i dunno if you got a different fan yet.


Well-Known Member
They look good Jhall....Add some more light...I started mine under 9 cfl's in a rubbermaid....3 42 watters and 6 23 watters...Check out my grow in my sig......Happy growing

goodro wilson

Well-Known Member
im far from an expert but they dont look too bad. try a light on the sides if the light isnt getting through the canopy.