how do they look?


Well-Known Member
not looking great but not the worst is this your first grow sorry to say thats a poor super crop never should have done it in flower just adding stress
looks like you have a long ways to go not one hair has changed color yet i say atleast another month prob more
one question. I use 1 ml per litre bio-bloom fert ( biobizz) do you think that i have to use more?
one question. I use 1 ml per litre bio-bloom fert ( biobizz) do you think that i have to use more?

This far in flowering about 4 weeks for you i would say use full strength. On the bottles they usualy have a time frame. Early flowering use a half strength Middle full and the end a little more then full strength and then last two weeks bump it down to half. Never failed me and i feed untill i harvest. No flushing
They look kinda small. Did you get a late start this season? It's a little odd you're only on 4th week flower, seems like a very late flowering..
Don't sweat it broham, I didn't mean it in a bad way, they just look short to me. You need to pump those baby's up with full strength nutrients so they can grow big and strong. Calcium is very important in the vegetative stage. Carbs carbs carbs - that's what you need to fatten up those buds! What kind of fertilizers are you currently using, and have used for veg state?
In regards to the seasons, in the western states of the US, outdoor seasons ideally start in April. Some people who want to grow monster trees start their seeds indoors a couple months prior to give them a head start.

For carbs, I would use 2 tablespoons of turbinado sugar ( raw unprocessed sugar) mixed per gal of water. And if you really want a super carb loader that will help those budz really ooze out the crystals, look into getting Bud Candy from advanced nutrients.
My advice would be to just add some extra nutes, harvest in 5 weeks, then start over and do some research first.
It's very similar to unsulphered molasses yes, being that they are both unprocessed sources of sugar. I usually use it once a week.
You have to do hours of research throughout these forums to get solid trusted information. There's a lot of bias opinions, and misinformation that you have to decipher to understand how it works. Sometimes you have to sift through the shit in order to find the gold.

Trial and error also works well...