How do they look


Well-Known Member
Ive heard good things about mammoth P. Tried a sample once but it was hardly enough to see any results. Have you heard of a product called Tribus?
I have never heard of tribus. Yes they barely give you any in their sample bottle I have to buy another bottle just to finish I'm almost out


Well-Known Member
I use any microbial with AN carboload. the simple sugars make good food for the bacteria thus establishing a good population in the rootzone. The guys at AN said that you only really need to use a microbial for a the first few weeks of veg and flower with the carboload and then keep the carboload throughout the grow to keep them fed. After the first few weeks I personally still hit them weekly with a booster of the microbes.
why do you hate indian people my people are some of the original people to start this world sound like you is hating on me and the indian continent


Well-Known Member
They look like there pretty healthy, but but the leaves have that drawstring pull to the side on the tips, from calcium deficiency, but there's no purple on the stems, so they don't have magnesium deficiency. I would give them some cal mag.