How do u block out thermal imaging camaras


Well-Known Member
i just seen some1 on the show dea get caught growing by thermal imaging from a police copter, it showed the grow house glowing they used that (glowing) 2 get a warrent, is there anything 2 use 2 block out thermal imaging,also if you want 2 see the show its on spike tv its called DEA it was on 2nite and im sure it will be again soon, in info will help

I would suggest this, and I figure I'll try it out in the next few months. Don't block the cams.

Step #1: Grow tomatoes indoors, the biggest set up you can create.
Step #2: Suck as much power as possible. Set up several fans, lights, etc.
Step #3: Burn a bunch of sage in your house, and if you want, a little weed just for added effect.
Step #4: Set up several cameras in your home with feeds to the internet.
Step #5: Contact (anonymously, preferably from a pay phone) your local DEA and television stations with an anonymous tip of a huge marijuana grow.
Step #6: Have your friends repeat steps 1-6 to bring the LEAs to their knees.
Step #7: Don't be as fearful in an actual grow. They'll probably be too scared to make an ass of themselves again.

Rinse, wash, and repeat. They wanna waste the tax payers money... let's help em. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Before everybody gets completely freaked out one of the other draw backs from the FLIR is that it cannot detect small changes in temperature as easily.

So, most of the shows where they are using FLIR it is winter outside. The huge temperature differential allows them to see ALOT more easily if something unsual is going on. Notice how often it is winter in those shows?

If your exhaust is only 10-20 degrees above ambient it will be much harder to see than if it is 80 degrees above ambient temperature.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes the best way to hide is not to cover up but to hide in plain sight. Create a legitimate heat source to cover the illegal heat source.