How do u Continually Harvest?


Active Member
I know its probably been answered here but i cant find it in the search that specifically answered my question so thanks for bearing with me...

My question is how do i continually harvest off 25 seeds?

Say that I plant 10 of them today... say 6 are female, 4 turn out male...

After I have harvested all my buds after flowering, is there a way to keep your existing 6 female plants alive and ready to go another "season"? Or do you just throw em away and start over and plant another 10 seeds?

If I have to throw em away and start all over, is there a way to put a female off to the "side" pollinate it and reap the seeds off it to replenish my stock of quality seeds for planting the next (season) and how is that best done?

I guess what i dont understand is that I have 25 high quality seeds, How do I sustain my grow operation off my 25 seeds?

Thanks for any detailed info...



Well-Known Member
do 3 crops of 8. id explain more but you can figure out the rotation. you need some mother plants, or keep at least 1 male


Active Member

Ya i understand i could plant 8 seeds every 4 months and have a continual harvest.... My understanding is that if i clone, i think i heard someone say you lose like 50% quality/production.

so In order to keep planting new plants every 4 months somehow i need seeds... so do i need to set a female off to the side just for the purpose of new seeds?


Well-Known Member
also when you pollinate, do it in a seperate area completely and wash hands before/after. dont get the pollen in the main crop, be very careful with that. also, just use a little of pollen on her, so that all the energy will be put into making a few seeds, but of extreme quality


Active Member
Ok cool..

so If if i plant 10 seeds (hoping 6 female thats all the room i have)... hypothetically, 6 turn out to be female... 4 male:

Keep 5 female in the greenhouse and grow as usual

Discard 3 Male plants

The 6the female plant goes into isolation with 1 male plant which I will use to pollinate her)

Does this sound right?


Well-Known Member
It sound like what he said, I'm not sure I would agree with the advice. I was really confused about this procdure, still am the way it's told. I can tell you what works for me. Plant your 10 seeds like you said and while your learning how to grow them, make sure you read about cloning. About 4 weeks down the road your plants will start getting big enough that you will want to put them on 12/12 light cycle to force flowering. Take at least two clones from each plant at that time and mark which plant they came from. This is a time you would prune of about the bottom 1/3 anyway so all your doing is making another plant out of what you would have thrown away. Two weeks later you will want to trim the original plants one last time. Take at least two clones from each one and mark them the same as the first group. Now within the next two weeks your origianl plants will start showing their sex, the males usually show it first. Get rid of ALL the males. Let say you meet the law of averages and 5 are female. You will have 20 female clones if you cloned successfully. I used this method to go from 20 to 80 plants in a couple of months. For me it was easier then anything I have heard of doing. VV


Active Member
How necessary is it to keep a mother for each strain? Some places I've read you can take your future clones from clones before flowering and maintain a perpetual harvest that way. Without losing any potency for about 20 rounds, what’s your opinion?


Active Member
Ok Victor that makes total sense! Thanks alot man! So go 12/12 after 4 weeks huh? Also say u got your 80 plants from your 20... can u clone them again or is it game over?

Ya and with regards to Stella's comment I was wondering the same question. Ive also heard that when you make any clone you are losing 50% quality (production and potency) any truth to that?


Well-Known Member
you can clone from a clone from a clone from a clone from a clone from a clone from a clone from a clone from a clone from a clone from a clone from a clone.......with no problems. at least i have. hope it all comes together for you. happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Here is a method you might want to try. When a male is found carefully, and away from other plants, take some pollen off and put in a small pill bottle. At around 3 weeks into flowering you take a q-tip and carefully rub some pollen on a bud and wrap the bud in a baggie, sealing it off from the rest of the plant with a rubber band. after 2 days you can remove the bag. In around five weeks you should have mature seeds with that bud. This way you hopefully do not waste a whole female making seeds. I would say you should get around 20 seeds.

A question for breeders. How long will the pollen from a male stay potent in a pill bottle?


Well-Known Member
you will need to take clones it works much better. i have an area for a mother plant an area for rooting clones and a flower room . i grow my female mother plant, take clones root em then flower when there done flowering i take more clones root em and flower em than when there done i take more clones and flower them


Well-Known Member
But if you want to take a break from growing, or would like to try different strains, it would be nice to have some seeds from a strain that was purchased so you would not have to purchase them again.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, clones are just as good as the mother. That's why they're called clones. Look in the FAQ under sea of green technique


Well-Known Member
Are your clones? What if an ice storm comes and you lose power for a week. How are all your plants doing then? Well, I got some good seed, so I guess I would start over. Any way, this is just another option. I never said it was the best.


Active Member
You guys have been more than helpful in so many ways i definately appreciate it..!! Thanks for clarifying up a few things...

also another question...
CFL's vs Tubes

I have 4 24" 20w grow lights in my greenhouse... correct me if im wrong but 80w of tubed lights are more "potent" than say 80w of CFL's right?

Also do u have to buy tubes labeled "grow light" or are you more concerned with the color temperatures? How does a "cool white" tube (or cfl) grow anything if they dont put out UV rays?