How do u Get a Script of Xanybars?

Most doctors WILL NOT prescribe benzodiapenes xanax,kolonpin,etc.. they are extremely addicting psychically and mentally. Unless you have sever anxiety and panic attacks don't bother. That or find a scumbag doctor who will just give you a script. Don't get hooked or caught selling them though. my best advice, STAY AWAY FROM BENZO's! they will ruin your life.

If God created weed he also created opium, and humans with receptors for a huge variety of drugs. And ricin, and maitotoxin, and uranium 235. Doesn't seem like his creations are nessesarily good.

Haha, Those are all the works of the devil! :mrgreen:

See the thing about scripts, you don't need one. It's plain cold logic.

I should see if I could get a script for LSD. I'm sure my Doctor has plenty of notary privileges to give me some leeway on LSD. :lol:

Web 101 Kiddies. Everything is at our disposal. :wink:

You can't blame people with insurance for wanting free shit. Plus, a magical piece of paper that justifies addiction... Sign me up!!!
Most doctors WILL NOT prescribe benzodiapenes xanax,kolonpin,etc.. they are extremely addicting psychically and mentally. Unless you have sever anxiety and panic attacks don't bother. That or find a scumbag doctor who will just give you a script. Don't get hooked or caught selling them though. my best advice, STAY AWAY FROM BENZO's! they will ruin your life.
Addiction is the whole point, once you get the script from "them," they know have a "patient" that is going to buy that drug for the rest of there life.
"Them" - drug dealer
"Patient" - the addicted consumer
Haha, Those are all the works of the devil! :mrgreen:

You can't blame people with insurance for wanting free shit. Plus, a magical piece of paper that justifies addiction... Sign me up!!!

My senses are appeased just finished eating up at the Cheese Cake factory. Served up one hell of a Chicken Madeira. :D

Yeah. If you have an insurance that will pay for the most expensive benzodiazepines. Then sure why not. But, not everyone receives the Cinderella treatment. ;)