how do u put seeds in rockwool?


Well-Known Member
i got my rockwool cubes soaking in 5.5 ph water and i am going to put my seeds in them tomorrow night and i was wondering is there any special way of putting the seed into the rockwool? does it matter if you put the seed upright in a vertical postion or sideways/horizontal? and how deep in does the seed go?


Well-Known Member
i got my rockwool cubes soaking in 5.5 ph water and i am going to put my seeds in them tomorrow night and i was wondering is there any special way of putting the seed into the rockwool? does it matter if you put the seed upright in a vertical postion or sideways/horizontal? and how deep in does the seed go?

anyone? should i then assume it dosent really matter


Elite Rolling Society
I put mine upright, in the center of the cube, with the little circle at the bottom and the tip of the seed toward the top. I use giant eyebrow tweezers.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if its an ungerminated seed, it doesnt really matter what position its in inside the hole, but if you've already germinated the seed (ie, paper towel method), you should plant the seed with the taproot facing down. 1/4" deep, no deeper than 1/2"


New Member
That little pit at the top of the seed is the "belly-button". The taproots sprouts from the pointed end so put that side down if you wanna go perfectionist.