how do u stress a plant to become a hermi?


Well-Known Member
Just do things you normally wouldnt, constantly fuck up its light schedule, dont water for awhile, water to much etc... lol not hard. There are some hardy plants though that are hard or next to impossible to get to go hermie. Why are you wanting to do this by the way?... Just take clones in perpetual or keep a mother etc.? Only real reason I can see to do this is for selling or giving to other ppl. If you just trying to save a strain to replant the following year or something. Just use normal breeding and those seeds. Yes you will have to weed out the males but if you try to make Fem seeds your just gonna be weeding out hermies and retard plants anyways or have a poor germination rate.
what i intend to do is make a hermi and take the pollen from it and pollinate another female, thus makeing a 99% chance female seed>:)


Well-Known Member
what i intend to do is make a hermi and take the pollen from it and pollinate another female, thus makeing a 99% chance female seed>:)
LoL, I know what you intend to do and I know the process of making feminized seeds. Far more than you do. Yes these seed you get from this process will be female but a very large percentage of them will be hermies. Even the best breeders in the world are unable to produce 100% fem seeds with no hermies and great germination rates. You doing it as a noob with who knows what genetics will most likely lead to seed with poor germination rates and a good percentage of hermies. I know I've been there and done it.

You seem pretty new to all this and just wanted to give you some helpful advice before you waste you time with less than desirable results.

Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
search for collodial silver generator is a thing with a coin u make silver water and spray one branch and only it is becoming hermie not the whole plant :) then search how to pollenate .. U want some balls that the way dont stress plant with light cause u fuck up its genus and seed will be hermies too


Well-Known Member
Lilgreenthumb, just to clear things up for you a bit let me start by saying I just did what you are talking about by accidently herming two plants I polinated a third by putting it between them (and they themselves polinated themsevles too)... Now i'm no expert, but I read a lot, and people feel free to correct me if i'm wrong truth is more important then my opinion, but from what I read this method is not wanted for several reasons. First realize that when one parent hermies from stress it means it will have hermie to stress prone seedlings. This is why femenized seeds are frowned upon, they have the capability of eventually making all marijuana hermies due to major breeding within strains. When a legit company makes femenized seeds they stress the shit out of the plants and only the ones who DON'T hermie have clones from their mother treated with the collodial silver and then bred to cut waaaay down on the odds of hermies.

Now remember, I did the thing you are talking about, the seeded plants almost ready but not enough 100% mature seeds yet. strains I bred were a sativa (local blueberry tall skinny) and an indica (flying dutchmen blueberry skunk short fat) to learn more about genetics through my experience with the offspring (sure not 100% guarenteed to be perfect for learning but odds are still good and hands on experience is good for learning). I will not however ever let the seeds offspring ever be bred with no matter how good, because to be cannabis users (for medical purposes) we should respect it enough not to fuck up pots future for our future generations. A world where 99% of cannabis plants are seeded due to super high hermie rates is not a world I want to contribute to creating even if not in my lifetime.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention i'm also mentally prepared to kill any offspring from my plants that shows the slightest sign of being a hermie. Its a sacrafice i'll probly have to make too, but I'm aware of the risk and I am going to be sure never to use it to breed. If you really want to breed seeds then stress hermies are not an answer because they are not a good long term solution for future strains if its good.