How do you do it, does everyone own there own house or what?

One can expand their opportunities on the med side -mainly growing and possession larger numbers - if they voluntarily enter a state data base. My reaction is fuck that - but in reality I'm probably already in it.
I do it for fun mostly
One can expand their opportunities on the med side -mainly growing and possession larger numbers - if they voluntarily enter a state data base. My reaction is fuck that - but in reality I'm probably already in it.
I do it for fun mostly
I hear ya,, i am down here south of portland and I never grow my allowed 4 plants,, typically I only have 2 plants going,, and it easily meets my needs and the allowed rec limiti
i grow in furnature,, build the carbon filter into the furnature,, lately i use a wardrobe,, it intakes from the room and exhausts in to the same room,, you cant smell a thing,, it looks natural,, like it belongs,, you can tell anything,, i put a clean gym locker style lock on it,, the rest latches from the inside,,, last time they asked i said it was extra closet space,, if they ask to see inside, ( its my personal property),, i say i lost the key,,

THIS is how the Fox, beats the hounds!
This seems so unreal to me. In San Diego I grow huge plants inn my backyard. In Concow I rent, and grow 100s of plants with no worries what so ever. I couldn't imagine living in a non rec state.

Alot of aparment building here are letting people grow. I've seen plants on balconies lately, the only problem seems to be the Home Owners Aasociaion. They have a no tolerance on weed plants.

My MMJ CARD just expired. I'm thinking about renewing. But does it really matter?? I do t see recreational leaving us anytime soon .
This seems so unreal to me. In San Diego I grow huge plants inn my backyard. In Concow I rent, and grow 100s of plants with no worries what so ever. I couldn't imagine living in a non rec state.

Alot of aparment building here are letting people grow. I've seen plants on balconies lately, the only problem seems to be the Home Owners Aasociaion. They have a no tolerance on weed plants.

My MMJ CARD just expired. I'm thinking about renewing. But does it really matter?? I do t see recreational leaving us anytime soon .
Right now everyone is kinda waiting to see what Jeff Sessions does with Rec legal states,, the latest out of washington seems to be allowing states rights to choose,, lets hope it stays like that,,
I too am enjoying the rec legal state of Oregon, and i was just starting to get used to not looking over my shoulder for the cops to drive up,,, its very releaving to actually be allowed to grow ,
just need to change the minds of a few boards or landlords to allow it,, a simple plant or 2 in a soil container wont harm the drywall or the carpet, maybe they should learn an dthen write up rules,, like maybe no hydro ponics ,, that type of thing
Right now everyone is kinda waiting to see what Jeff Sessions does with Rec legal states,, the latest out of washington seems to be allowing states rights to choose,, lets hope it stays like that,,
I too am enjoying the rec legal state of Oregon, and i was just starting to get used to not looking over my shoulder for the cops to drive up,,, its very releaving to actually be allowed to grow ,
just need to change the minds of a few boards or landlords to allow it,, a simple plant or 2 in a soil container wont harm the drywall or the carpet, maybe they should learn an dthen write up rules,, like maybe no hydro ponics ,, that type of thing

The sweating about no growing, is from the owners of those buildings. Being subject to federal confiscation laws....It is still illegal on the fed level..
I know, not likely but,,,,it's the threat that the FEDs can. That's the power the Fed has on this issue.
The sweating about no growing, is from the owners of those buildings. Being subject to federal confiscation laws....It is still illegal on the fed level..
I know, not likely but,,,,it's the threat that the FEDs can. That's the power the Fed has on this issue.
Hey did you see that a bill was introduced in the House this week to decriminalize MJ ,, and it was introduced by a republican!! no less,, and there is a bi partisian group of Senators working on a commitee now in washington ,, the tide my turn even with sessions , i hope the House votes yes on this bill and doesnt squash it
Lol. Mine seems to be the most half arsed "stealth" box that's been posted so far.

Not only does it have tape on the outside. But there's a lcd panel on the top. A whole bunch of plugs going into the back of it. And it sits too far out from the wall. And then there's the vibration from fans when they're going... Yep. Stealthy as.

Like Ali G in his fluoro army jump suit.


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Back when I grew in rentals it was customary to have a 1 year inspection with the lease renewal. The land ladies never actually inspected the properties just brought over the paperwork and asked if all was well.
I was always on my toes and sometimes paranoid but I only got busted once and that was in the house I own. I had the cops serve a warrant once over my first closet grow in an apartment in the CD of Seattle, but I had been moved for over a month and they were upset that they walked away empty handed.
Hey did you see that a bill was introduced in the House this week to decriminalize MJ ,, and it was introduced by a republican!! no less,, and there is a bi partisian group of Senators working on a commitee now in washington ,, the tide my turn even with sessions , i hope the House votes yes on this bill and doesnt squash it

Not holding my breath.
Betcha decrim will be for pos. only though! Small amount, like a zip or less.

Growing will still be "manufacturing" and most likely a felony everywhere.
I've come into a very fortunate situation where a family member works for the townhouses I live in. The maintenance men are aware, as is my family member. My townhouse gets skipped for city inspection and the maintenance men complete all the other inspections. I use 3 giant carbon filters for smell control. I live in a medical state and comply with the rules, for the most part. I'm actually getting ready to move my grow to a bigger space in an actual house.

This was my last crop. IMG_4783.JPG
I got through a couple of inspections by throwing whatever clutter into the bedroom entry and then unscrewing the light bulb for the overhead light. The window was already blacked out and it was dark as Wesley Snipes in there. That plus the having to climb over something like a bicycle kept them from even setting foot inside.
No landlords gona mess with you if...

- You have a gun
- Are sleeping with his sister or daughter
- You have a contagous disease
- Are naked everytime he turns up unless he's gay or bi then your options get wider and more degrading
- Have a bumper 'I Love Trump' sticker and wear a Jeff Sessions facemask

Personally id just get a gun that way your not having to mess around...