How do you experienced growers think my 1st grow is coming along????


Hello peeps my girls have been on 12-12 now for 2 and half weeks, I vegged them for a good 5 and half weeks using vitalink nutrients and have now swithed to vitalink bloom for flowering,
There currently under a 400 watt hps and seem to be loving the beams,
iv got 3 plants in total as 1 past away and there in a 1 metre by 1 metre tent , iv got air intake and outtake flowing beautifully and I swear the girls think there being grown in Jamaica.
they get 1 half litres of water every day and feed on every other water. So what I want to no is how you experienced growers think mine are doing and what changes i should make and also what my yield could be, I'm sorry if iv left out some info I no it pisses some peeps of so fire the questions and ill answer them check my pics out and let me learn from you . Cheers



Here they are at 3 half weeks, starting to stink now and get really sticky plus loads of crystals how long do u pros think image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg


bud bootlegger
looking great other then those lines from taking pix with the hps on...

here's a tip for the next time you want to take some pix and not get the lines.. wait until the second the lights go off and be ready with the camera and get in and take some pix.. it's a bit hard seeing what you're doing at first, lol, but it will get you much nicer pix without all of those shitty lines in them so we can enjoy all of your hard work better.. :D


Yea they piss me of mate ill do that next week with the next lot of pics how long do u think they got left to flower or do you need clearer pics ?


How can I tell when there ready for the chop? And when I dry them does it have to be in darkness with any sort of hot/cold airflow ?


Well-Known Member
they look good..what strains are you growing? looks like you have a hybrid, as well as a sativa.

The hybrid looks like it can finish in about 4 -5 weeks, thats if you're impatient, if you can wait then you can let it go for about 6 more weeks, and it'll be mature.


The sativa looks like it may need 6 - 7 weeks to finish. Personally, I would let it go for 8 weeks so the buds can fully ripen and mature.


You'll know when the buds are ready because 50%-75% pf the 'white' hairs will turn orange. Also, if you have a loupe or microsocpe you can check the crystals..the peak harvest for medicinal weed is when 50% of the crystals are cloudy, and 50% are amber.

As for a yield, it looks like you have about 3 plants there.. I think you could pull 2 -3 oz's per plant, so your total harvest looks like it can be anywhere from 6 - 9 oz's.

When you hang them to dry, make sure they are not in direct light, because direct light causes thc to breakdown. They can be in a partially dark area, or even better a totally dark area. It is also good to have a fan in the drying are, but make sure the air isn't blowing directly on the buds because this will cause them to dry out too quickly.

Hope this helps.




Cheers cash your a legend sounds like u got a bag of experience to share, I received these baby's as cuttings of a mother plant I'm not sure what strain they are and don't no how to tell if there a hybrid or a sativa, I'll take pics of each one individually tommoro and maybe you could share your knowledge and point me in the right direction in getting some nice results ,
thanks for your info mate.



hi peeps iv chopped all lower branches and lolly popped the girls got some serious nugs going on and they stink, here some pics let me no how you think there getting on and give me an estimate on ounces per plant, plus i want to no how I can support the buds as there getting pretty heavy for the plant and don't want no snapping branches. Thanks




Well-Known Member
For a first grow looks like you have done your homework..nice setup! Plants looking great and I think you will have a nice yield..yeah you should pick up a pocket and easy to far as curing there a few methods..what works for me is if you chop at the same time I hang my buds in my grow box with a fan on direct contact..also humidity plays a big role..don't want it too humid where your buds are not drying because it could cause them to get moldy..if you setup is inside during the winter you should be ok..if its summer and you have it in a cooled place with an air conditioner that helps a lot..once you can snap the stems your bud is ready to cure..I am super busy so I place mine in brown paper bags for a couple occasionally and stir the buds around..don't pack the bags either..just loosely in maybe one layer per bag..the big ones from the grocery store work perfect


Cheers superman have a peek at this item on ebay item number: 140760836010
im thinking about buying one for drying the buds,I seen peeps use them before and get quick results .