How do you guys keep your 1000w's so cool?


Well I recently completed my grow room, and i cant keep my temperatures low enough. I was shooting for around 78* at canopy level, but im sitting around 90* with lights o.

I have a 1000 watt hps in an air cooled hood, hooked up to a 435cfm fan blowing out a window. Also have a second 150cfm fan exhausting, and a 200 cfm intake fan which sucks in air through an ice chest filled with frozen gallon jugs. Ambient room temperature is usually around 78*.

So why are my temps so high?? Seems like it would be more than enough air exchange. Room is 5x4x7 and the light is 2 feet above canopy.

What else can i do? I was thinking of adding AC but was really trying to avoid it. Also considering adding co2 instead to take advantage of the high temps.

Opinions? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Are you testing temps above your canopy? Or just below it shaded by a few leaves?

I test just under my canopy out of direct light.

I use a 400CFM for 600w, My glass is barely warm to the touch my ambient grow temp is 22C/72F but directly under my light it is 29C/84F just under my canopy reads 24C/75F I never have heat stress issues.

Test your ambient grow room temp , on a wall out of direct light away from the intake.

Test your temps above your canopy .

Then test them just under the canopy .

Post back your findings.



Well-Known Member
First question is how long is the ducting on the direct bends.....just slow swooped turns is the key to cooling


Active Member
I have a 1000 watt hps in an air cooled hood, hooked up to a 435cfm fan blowing out a window. Also have a second 150cfm fan exhausting, and a 200 cfm intake fan which sucks in air through an ice chest filled with frozen gallon jugs. Ambient room temperature is usually around 78*.
im kinda confused.... can you elaborate?
i use 1, 450 CFM fan for drawing from a carbon filter then across 2 600w lights then out
and a 120 cfm fan blowing air into the room the tent is in.
then tent draws air in thru the side vents from the room, then thru the filter then across the lights then out.
can you explain your air circulation system again?

why so many fans? any pictures? pics would make life easy.
hope you get things figured out, and post the solution to help other growers facing similar issues :leaf:


Thanks for the responses.

Well, I took a picture but it's not very helpful. One of my fans is actually located underneath my bed- I put it there to keep it quiet. The ducting does have some curves and stuff, but nothing too major. That's why I added the second exhaust fan, which simply vents out into my room (the one under my bed leads out the window). Air is drawn through a couple holes near the bottom of the tent and boosted with the intake fan I mentioned above.

Also, I included a few pics of my plants, which iv'e had for about a week now. Anyone know what the problems might be/if I should be concerned? Some of them have obvious light burn, but I'm hoping that'll go away as the plants get older and can handle the 1000 watt light. The ones i'm concerned about are the ones that are sort of yellowing and drooping. I'm running lucas formula, but only at 600 ppms (~4ml flora nova/gallon) right now.


Sort of yellowing leaves/droopy:



Well-Known Member
its actually quite easy why you are not cooling things.

You have 585 CFM of outfllow, yet you only have that wimpy 200 CFM (and any fan rated that low is NOT actually moving that much air). So your not getting enough airflow..or intake to be more specific.

Exhaust up high, passive or powered intakes down low. Reduce the length of hose if possible.

600 is pretty damn high for those plants..especially at the high temps and transpiration rates they are going through.

My advice, dilute to around 400, keep the humidity up until you figure out how to vent.

Dennis Rodman

Active Member
Nice home depot trays lol. I started out that way, too.
Two suggestions for you in the future:

1>I think that maybe youll want to consider buying either a smaller light or a dimmable ballast.
Having babies under that 1000w is overkill.

2> Consider putting each plant in its own pot next time.
This way you can move them around, and easily get rid of anything that might be male (if growing from seed) or hermie on you.

Good luck though

Grow mo

Active Member
my 1000 exhausts air out of the tent and out the window to remove all hot air being generated in the grow room, and then i draw cool night air from outside... my temp wont rise more then five degrees from where it starts.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, you say that your hose goes under your bed and out a window? How long of a distance is that? If your ducting is too long the fans have trouble pulling air through them. Keep ducting nice and short. Other then that the only thing I can suggest is more intake, you have over 500 cfm of outtake and 200 in, that could be your problem. Hope I helped!


Well-Known Member
Oscillating fans blowing on the leaves seems to make everything a lot cooler for me, without them the air feels very still and warm regardless of how much exhaust there is.


Well-Known Member
if your intake or exhaust vents are to long for the fans, then that could easily be your problem, the longer distance means more work for the fans to push or pull in air, meaning your not getting the correct CFM that you think you are.


Active Member
i had heat problems in my closet with just CFLS, ended up fixing the problem, then ditched the CFL's and bought a 600W HPS and STILL no heat problems. from my perspective its your ambient temps. if you are drawing in 78degrees its only going to make the air hotter! get those ambient temps down for your intake (both for your light intake and room intake) and you will see temps drop. i have a wimpy 250 cfm for my intake and it works FINE! all you need is fresh air coming in and it is doing that, your out take is getting rid of all the hot air but since your ambient temps are already 78 its not helping much!

my biggest mistake for my temp was, 1. not having intake, and 2. using the wimpy 250 cfm as my out take. also my 600 is not air cooled. i know the 1000 will produce more heat but if you get ambient temps down you wont have a problem at all. how do i back this? when i was having heat issues, i didnt have a veg area so i turned my ac on for the whole house, ambient temp for the room 67, temps in closet 74 < with cfls. i ended up re doing my whole ventilation system drawing cool air from outside my room, turned my ac off, and the 600 runs for 12 hours temps staying 77-79.

edit: my out take is around 425 cfm. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS THREAD! 1000w hps ghetto style he had temps at 27-29 c just goes to show you dont need a complicated setup just know how to utilize what you have.


Dont worry guys, im listening :)

Ive gotten temps down to around 80* now, in direct light. I increased the area of my intake, raised my light about 6", and added a fan to my window to blow cool air into my room thus keeping ambient temps a little lower.

Happy with the temperatures im seeing now.

Thanks guys!


Have you considered going with LED lights? I've been doing a lot of research, and they don't require anything close to the amount of input to keep your grow cool... save money, stress, and energy. And I think you can go with a lower-wattage light and get comparable results.