How do you guys like mixing weed n liquor?

Alcohol is the worst drug, IMO

The only thing I liked about it is how it can mellow out weed by soaking weed in say Jack Daniels. Down in FL weed used to wash ashore on the beaches. I had a buddy who once lived down there and used to walk the beach at the crack of dawn each morning looking for bales of weed that were thrown overboard from ships if the coast guard was after them. He used to find all types of weed and it was all smelly and seaweed over it. He used to soak the weed in whiskey for--I'm not sure--days, weeks ? and then let the hot FL sun dry it out.

He used to sell the stuff for 1/3 price of the going rate for good bud and it was the best buy in town. He was happy too since he got the weed almost for free. Even today--well before I became medical, if I got bud that I thought was "dirty", I would soak it in booze and dry it out the next day and often times I though it improved I can buy great clean bud and don't have any need for alcohol, yea ..well it makes a good mouthwash, about it, lol
I love red wine over any liquor tbh. I'm cheap n get the bix of wines for 20$ 2 gallons or so but those are amazing man I had a red wine from the 1 of like 3 red wines they got I think or something like that but it was amazing to sip. I wanted it after dinner a few glasses n go to bed that's how I an with those talk Budweiser 16 oz or sumthing glass bottles a 6 pack of those and sum video entertainment maybe sum kitchen nightmares uk master chef,ect lol I like to cook a big meal n sit back n watch food tv shows on utube that's a relaxing ass night man that's without herb lol. Scotch I here is very nice after u add a few drops of water depending upon smell like u swish smell it straight then let it settle add 1-2 drops of water swish. Let settle swish then smell and repeat untill to ur "smell" or likeing or traditionally or scotch flavor testing is done : add drops of water until the alcohol burn after the swish in the nostril subsides then the scotch is ready to reveal its full rich n bold flavor n undertones from the barrel it was aged from previous brews combined over time to component ur bottles brew in the same bottle. But yea scotch sounds like a nice savory drink to enjoy
I used to love Scotch and water with sparking water my favorite but like I did dumb shit half the time while drinking and the more I drank, the more others could push me around. I came this,close-to being arrested for dui...I blew a .07 after the cop held the button down for like 30 seconds--before all other cops would let go after 10-15 seconds. Cop shook the reader too and huffed at it..his partner yelled out, what to U want to do, first cop goes, give me one for speed---I was going 3 over, he wrote me up for 10 over, I yelled about it and he ordered me back to my car, which I went right back to since my bag and pipe was shoved down my pants, ha ha

I think that was the straw that broke me down, F alcohol, we got weed, its the better drug
I've seen a 45kg black guy have a whitey outside the club. We took him out for fresh air.

I've seen loads of puke outside clubs where people can't handle both mixed together.

I know some who drink and smoke but they are drinkers anyway.

I've managed to puke at 5am all by myself this morning. Without even being high!! It was nasty, mild food poisoning.