how do you know when nuits are used up


Well-Known Member
Flushing/leaching...The concept is to rinse the medium (soil) Of excess amounts of fertilizer. The plant will use up all the ferts in her and be some what like it was organically grown with no chemicals in it.

I do not think its a myth. I have over fertilized my plants before and rinsed it out the soil. Thats what is recommended.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I do not think its a myth. I have over fertilized my plants before and rinsed it out the soil.
Thanks for making my point. Why did you over-fertilize? Did you smoke anything from a plant that was not leached, using it as a control group? The only way anyone will know what the chemical analysis is is by doing a leaf petiole analysis, before and after, and that has never been done that I know of. It's a "feel-good" thingie.

Thats what is recommended.
By whom? Every new group of noobs who parrot a forum paradigm that just won't die?


Well-Known Member
Well, I have been flushing for the past 7 days. 1-2 gallons of water a day for about a 5 foot tall plant, in ground. Im thinking that next watering, I will give her 5 gallons and after she dries out for a couple days, it will be chop chop time. I've heard a couple flush methods. One being that you water once with a lot of water, and the other being watering reguarly for 2 weeks with no ferts to rid of them. which is the correct method? I've been doing the latter...


Well-Known Member
I chopped some early shoots from the bottom of plant without flushing, hung bud upside down for a week, placed in jar for one week, took a puff and it tasted gross, tasted like I was smoking miracle grow, so I now flush all the time. My last plant I flushed well and my friends complimented how good it tasted, so yes, we sometimes abuse nutrients so flushing will help with taste for sure.