How do you know when you're REALLY ready for acid?


Active Member
So I've wanted to try me some LSD lately, but like anybody who hasn't tried it yet, i'm a little skeptical of the idea. so far the only illegal drugs i've used are mary and molly. molly was only once. i know that acid is a big step up, and i feel ready, but i've never actually tried it, so im not sure. i guess my question here is, just like the title, how do you really know if you're ready for acid? (if there even is a way to know)


Well-Known Member
An acid high is a mental head high like sativa strains,
as molly is to a body felt drug, as indica is for smokers.

I'd try mushrooms first, then make the choice on lsd.


Active Member
yeah thats what i was thinking too, but mushrooms are impossible to find where i am(trust me ive been looking). and to top it off, my friend wants to trip with me, and he always has acid. pressurrre.


Well-Known Member
If you have the funds.. buy some spores online for like $90 and grow your own.
There's threads on here that explain step by step how to grow them.
Acid is fun in the right environment, with the right people. I wouldn't recommend doing it at a rave, club, party etc.. for your first time.
Drop out with a close friend, or a couple.. and watch a movie, go explore a forest, jump on a trampoline, etc.. It's an all smiles trip and even going to use the bathroom is a chore and will leave you stuck in motion looking at yourself. If you know anybody that Gloves at rave's.. have them give you a legitimate light show. It's all about being comfortable and relaxing.


Well-Known Member
yeah...i would not dwell on it to terrible much, honestly.

that's the best way to set yourself up for a bad trip or a letdown trip.
you want to be baseline when you pop it....not full of jitters and butterflies.

Ideally, have your buddy dose you when you ain't looking.
(here! want a chunk of chewing gum? they have a liquid center bro!)
gotta have a common sense kind of friend for that...not one that's gonna dose you before work for example


Active Member
no offense, but i'd be pissed if someone dosed me without me knowing. kind of a dick move, as acid lasts for hours and hours.
I was told the same thing about shrooms and cid, and didn't listen...I did 7 paper hits of this shit called widespread panic on new years last year, and it was the most amazing day of my life.

Since then, I haven't done it again, and unfortunately probably never will, due to my gf and I pretty much settling down and sticking with weed and leaving everything else alone, but I'd suggest it to anyone to try once.


Well-Known Member
yeah...but i was saying you ASK them a favor.
that's totally different.

Again...friend in question must be smarter than an average doorknob
trustworthy and all that


Well-Known Member
yeah...i would dwell on it to terrible much, honestly.

that's the best way to set yourself up for a bad trip or a letdown trip.
you want to be baseline when you pop it....not full of jitters and butterflies.

Ideally, have your buddy dose you when you ain't looking.
(here! want a chunk of chewing gum? they have a liquid center bro!)
gotta have a common sense kind of friend for that...not one that's gonna dose you before work for example

LSD is a mental drug. You gotta prepare yourself for the trip.
No work, no children, pets and plants are always chill.
I wouldn't recommend getting trick dosed haha. Or swimming for that matter. I went swimming on a couple parachuted Molly's... needless to say I was incapable even though the warm Cali water was more then inviting.


Active Member
haha when i tried molly all i did was roll around on my friends bed, listen to music, and pet his cat, mr. tibbs. quite the night.


Well-Known Member
Mr. Tibbs ribs ftw. Chronic ass BBQ.

There's some old story(fictional im guessing) of someone rolling bawlz and continually petting a cat on their lap for hours.
The sweat from their hands were emitting MDMA, and the cat's fur/skin soaked it up and fried the cat making it a vegetable for life. Some bullshit, but funny to think about.


Well-Known Member
Also heard another one of some guy tripping so hard on acid thinking he was a glass of orange juice.. and while he dropped out, he wouldn't be able to sit down or lay down thinking that if was to, then he'd tip over.. spilling all his juice and dying from the end result. Hallucination drugs can be fun and not problematic when you're a conscious, problem solving, headstrong individual.

heir proctor

New Member
yeah thats all i wanna do. trip my pikachus, and then never touch the stuff again.
Wrong attitude dude. As to the mushrooms, they sell these ones called Atlantis Truffles in Amsterdam and you can find many sites that sell them online. I guess the effects are nearly identical to your regular cubes. Many people are having success shipping them to the US right now too.


Well-Known Member

At $14 euro.. so like $19.50 US... thats a bomb package at 10g/package.

I've always done an eighth for $20.. so that's almost 3 doses total.. and you're getting 3x more.

Good lookin out Heir.


Active Member
Mikey, that story about the cat scared me for a sec. Then i remembered mr tibbs is alive. I smoked a bowl with him yesturday hahah. And ill consider the mushrooms guys, but it sounds risky having them sent all the way from amsterdam illegally.


Well-Known Member
Thats what I'm saying.... good price, but Customs would flip a bitch if ever confiscated.

That's why i suggested getting spores and growing them yourself. Spores are legal in the US and can be boughten off USA sites :leaf: