How do you make a purple plant?


Well-Known Member
How do you make a purple plant that doesnt originally have purple in its genetics?

I always heard about tying a purple string to the main stem. Or what I was gonna do was just use purple food dye.

Anyone got ideas?


Active Member
A lot of strains will show purples if flowered in colder temps. I've never been a fan of the concept of artificially coloring weed.


Well-Known Member
most strains will turn purple if the themps get low during flowering, i left the lights out for the last 2 days of my white widow grow and one of them began to turn purple. even with purple strains you have to lowr the temps to make them turn purple


Well-Known Member
The real question here is, why do you seek the purple color?
Agreed. The ridiculous infatuation of so called "purple" genetics is so unbelievably overblown it's not even funny. If people care more about the way cannabis LOOKS vs. what it's potency, taste, or medicinal quality are they are imbusiles.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. The ridiculous infatuation of so called "purple" genetics is so unbelievably overblown it's not even funny. If people care more about the way cannabis LOOKS vs. what it's potency, taste, or medicinal quality are they are imbusiles.
Well if your growing and have a choice and see that there are purple strains then I may purchase some like I did just so I can see for myself. I am just growing a purple strain not trying to "make" it purple. I will foliar feed with Purplemaxx 2 weeks in flower and last 2 weeks. Currently growing Widow myself and it gets pretty cold at night when my fan is off but I have no purple. Why fuck your plants up with tricks instead of letting if finish and giving it all the comforts. Order some seeds of a purple strain and leave your current plant alone, purple string idea is ridiculous anyway man if you smoke dont do it.


Well-Known Member
think my point was going to be if I had the choice when smoking weed to pick one thats got fucking purple in it I am going to try it cuz I have never seen purple fucking weed. Never knew there was such a thing until reading and learning about growing.


Active Member
You have to remember the guy who posted this is also obsessed With Psychotic Clowns that rap and refers to himself as a juggalo lmao ICP kids


Well-Known Member
Well if your growing and have a choice and see that there are purple strains then I may purchase some like I did just so I can see for myself. I am just growing a purple strain not trying to "make" it purple. I will foliar feed with Purplemaxx 2 weeks in flower and last 2 weeks. Currently growing Widow myself and it gets pretty cold at night when my fan is off but I have no purple. Why fuck your plants up with tricks instead of letting if finish and giving it all the comforts. Order some seeds of a purple strain and leave your current plant alone, purple string idea is ridiculous anyway man if you smoke dont do it.
Huh??? What exactly was your point here? I still can't make sense of it. "why fuck your plants up with tricks instad of letting IF finish and giving it all the comforts" is NOT a statement. "Order some seeds of a purple strain and leave your current plant alone, purple string idea is ridiculous anyway man if you smoke don't do it."

Once again, HUH?? Smoking it was never even mentioned in case you didn't notice. All I mentioned was that the "purple craze" is WAY overblown, has no basis in anything regarding potency, taste, or medicinal quality. These are all facts, unlike those who believe that "the purps are better". :spew:
. even with purple strains you have to lowr the temps to make them turn purple
this statement it untrue my purple #1 has been purple rite from the start at a steady 75 - 78 degrees 4 weeks now and the leaves are startin to turn as well as for turnin green weed purp i dont know of any way to turn it other than real cold nights like outside in the fall. could always try givin it some welches lol


Active Member
Purple, pink, blue, white, red.

People who think it's all about potency and not the visual appeal of the flowers! I don't know about you guys, but I'd kill for some beautiful pink nugs with bright red pistils. Shit, I don't even sell, I'd just like to bust that out for my friends to go WHAT IS THAT!!? You know, for fun?


Well-Known Member
Purple, pink, blue, white, red.

People who think it's all about potency and not the visual appeal of the flowers! I don't know about you guys, but I'd kill for some beautiful pink nugs with bright red pistils. Shit, I don't even sell, I'd just like to bust that out for my friends to go WHAT IS THAT!!? You know, for fun?
hell yea! i think bud thats colord oddly makes it more appealing but thats about it, i agree it doesnt affect potency


Well-Known Member
everyone has good ideas and arguments, but the whole point to me wanting purple plants was to get more bang for my buck. In my area purp sells for more. If I grow from good seed (which I have) and make it purple, then damn, some good money.


Active Member
Good luck to you. If I found out a dealer gave me artificially colored weed just for the sake of charging me more, I'd stuff that shit right down his throat then make sure everybody I knew who might buy off him was aware that he was trying to mark up fake 'purps' just to pad his own pocket.

Not a good idea if you sell to people who are gonna be able to tell.
Just plain mean spirited if you're gonna sell to somebody who doesn't know better.


Well-Known Member
I was growing in my cab some ECSD that came out completely green. But there was also a clone that I put outside in a pot. It Flowered for longer and went into the colder months with overnight temps getting into the low 40's.... long story short this plant turned purple unlike all the rest that were grown hydro indoors. So I would assume that it really is the cold temps during flower that can do it. Good luck!