how do you make the seeds feminized


Well-Known Member
i got a shit load of seeds from a hermie i read thats how you get ur seeds feminized
You can certainly have a go with them, some will show signs of hermie traits again. If you are lucky you'll get some straight females, but they will alll shows signs of female hairs first.
Generally you use collodial silver to stress a plant to produce male flowers, which are then used on a female plant, so in essence, there isn't much different apart form the fact that you are forcing the plant to produce male flowers agfainst a plant the hemrms and produces them naturally. I have grown many herm seeds with great success!! good luck.


Definitely not. People apply gibberellic acid(and possibly colloidal silver, can't remember) to cause them to grow male flowers, if your plant does it on its own, you are more than likely gonna end up with seeds that are gonna turn herm too.. So in the end you end up with seeds in your bud, no good.