how do you party,if youve partied for 15 years straight?


Well-Known Member
i used that because mental illness is technically not the correct term anymore.
I understand. I'm not sure there is a correct term either. I wasn't disagreeing with you though. It's just a complex subject when talking about people's mental being and drugs. I don't believe you can say person A has mental problems, so they can't take any psychedelics, without going into what their specific problems are, and what psychedelics are being mentioned. Something like that.

I don't claim to be the expert or anything though.


Staff member
I understand. I'm not sure there is a correct term either. I wasn't disagreeing with you though. It's just a complex subject when talking about people's mental being and drugs. I don't believe you can say person A has mental problems, so they can't take any psychedelics, without going into what their specific problems are, and what psychedelics are being mentioned. Something like that.

I don't claim to be the expert or anything though.
mm i was just giving my opinion which of course is always taken to the most offensive when you post it in a specific section or area to people who are for it all.
but the correct term according to the new changes in the DSM its supposed to now be mental health disorders
but fuck they change the damn titles of everything too much every other year LOL


Staff member
all im simply saying is if someone does suffer from a mental illness they shouldnt be playing around with things that CAN or MAY hurt them even more, that could alcohol, marijuana, cigerettes, stress , moving homes, anything its not limited to just psychedelics


Well-Known Member
"mental health problems" is such a broad phrase. everybody is a little different with different problems. sometimes a psychedelic could be the cure, sometimes it could make things worse.... It's on an individual basis. Plus, each psychedelic drug is different and can be used for different purposes.
Oh I'm sure I'd be crazy as a shit- house rat if I went thru typical mental health tests/counseling..and at the end of it all,cause it is SO MUCH easier to blame something on an unknown field of subject,than for someone to suppress their ego and mutter the words "I don't honestly know.",any problems I mm at have mentally would IMMEDIATLY be the fault of my use of psychedelics..and,most likely,I'd be in rehab,as in the past ive used lsd more than twice a week,which categorizes me as a "extremely heavy" user..never mind the months and year long breaks I had in between,those dont count as admissible data in this equation,because they directly contradict the(unproven)information that was taught to the college educated guy with a pen and pad who's analyzing me..
Sry for the rants,but I feel if psychedelics were medically available,mental health problems could be solved and worked on by professionals,and about the same number of individuals "driven crazy by psychedelic use" would be cured of their ailments THROUGH the use of psychedelics.I've seen it no doctor,but I've known many happy,sad,angry,depressed,disillusioned people...and after using psychedelics,they were just happy people.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm well I'm celebrating so thought I'd share.
For me, my beloved psychedelics and opiates are reserved for private nights usually..
Having a party though: 7mg (lol meant 7 bars of 2mg, already high) of xanax, 1\8 of quality coke, half oz of bud and some alcohol. Per person. My company drinks to much and only quality, thats on them. Bottle of eldorado 12 year rum for me.
Its the most amazing combination for a party. The bars kick in and your outa there on the first few puffs of weed, staying up and coming back to earth each time a line is hit bringing you to complete bliss.

Anyway whatever y'all were talking about, carry on. Ill end up losing or forgetting a solid 3 days off them bars, so special occasions only :)


bud bootlegger
Pretty much any metric of harm has psychedelics well below most other drugs of abuse. Hell the dependence liability is higher for cannabis than for most psychedelics.
Psychedelics have also shown tremendous promise assisting psychotherapy for a number of disorders.
see, i completely agree with mre here.. how many people seriously abuse psychedelics? not that many imo, as they're not really abuse drugs in the sense of other drugs like cocaine and or heroine, where there's an addiction formed over prolonged abuse, symptoms of withdrawal, etc.. and b, in their nature, psychedelics aren't abusive drugs.. who wants to trip every single day for months or years on end like say a heroin user would want or have to use heroin.?? not me, nor many other people.. of course you get the rare few who use them daily for extended periods of time, these are the few and not the many.. and i still think the addiction's not there, they just want to be fried 24/7


Well-Known Member
all im simply saying is if someone does suffer from a mental illness they shouldnt be playing around with things that CAN or MAY hurt them even more, that could alcohol, marijuana, cigerettes, stress , moving homes, anything its not limited to just psychedelics
Agreed,but untill we can study lsd subjects like anheiser Busch or Phillip Morris subjects have been studied,perpetuation of unknown will keep it just that...
And in a different aspect,the perpetrators are put in an area of dis-trust by adventurers of these drugs,and in my case it was detrimental in a was I gonna listen to ANYTHING uncle Sam said was true after eating acid my first time..NOTHING I've come across in respectable literature /publications has even come close to truly describing a trip,or any side effects related,without being biased or exaggerated..uncle Sam was perceived as a liar by me,and,in a big big way contributed to my decisions to use hard drugs(hey,they were wrong about lsd,let's try some cocaine!)at an early age,in an excessive and very uneducated/unsafe manner..
The same mentality is embraced by prescribed pill patients.or some alcoholics..hell,some smokers hold onto this mentality,albeit a disguised rationalization for detrimental behavior in most cases,uneducation at the bottom of reasons.
"ill eat 2,it's ok.if it was bad,the govt.wouldn't let a Dr.prescribe me em.."...or "surgeons General WARNING..its a warning,not a law."..that kinda stuff..
One day,society's gonna get real pissed off at being fed bullshit all these years as fact.especially when the absence of bullshit could have advanced our species light years in the RIGHT direction..but that's a different conversation entirely..


Well-Known Member
Hmmm well I'm celebrating so thought I'd share.
For me, my beloved psychedelics and opiates are reserved for private nights usually..
Having a party though: 7mg (lol meant 7 bars of 2mg, already high) of xanax, 1\8 of quality coke, half oz of bud and some alcohol. Per person. My company drinks to much and only quality, thats on them. Bottle of eldorado 12 year rum for me.
Its the most amazing combination for a party. The bars kick in and your outa there on the first few puffs of weed, staying up and coming back to earth each time a line is hit bringing you to complete bliss.

Anyway whatever y'all were talking about, carry on. Ill end up losing or forgetting a solid 3 days off them bars, so special occasions only :)
Per person,at a company,what happens if you meet a deadline by a week? Blowjobs and ludes for 12hrs straight :-D?


Well-Known Member
Lol I meant by company, the people around me. But yes where I work, given our pharmaceutical background we stay pretty fucked up on a lot of things.. And racers right, not sure if he was joking or not. But yea the coke brings you back to earth, you won't know what the fuck is going on though for the most part but you stay awake and somewhat coherent. Only have people around that you trust for sure, plenty of people have jacked me while barred out. Anyway nights starting, y'all have a good one...


Well-Known Member
i definitely dont think you will grow gills or become a glass of orange juice
i actually used to part take in many drugs , and it was a huge interest in my life, i also study heavily on mental illness ,addictions and substance abuse
i would say im probably quite informed on the subject.
not that you would know because i post very little about my actual life on here
and i continue to state that psychedelics and mental illnesses dont mix.
I was referring to the 1947 comment,and in a hypocritical fashion,lumped it in with all other stereotypical comments regarding drugs..seemed in debate you were using an archaic time to back up your stance on the subject,and of course in heroic fashion,I came to the aid of the mis-understood :-D
Perhaps I should aid myself? :-D


Staff member
I was referring to the 1947 comment,and in a hypocritical fashion,lumped it in with all other stereotypical comments regarding drugs..seemed in debate you were using an archaic time to back up your stance on the subject,and of course in heroic fashion,I came to the aid of the mis-understood :-D
Perhaps I should aid myself? :-D
that comment was a joke more or less.


Well-Known Member
that comment was a joke more or less.
I figured that out after this janky site loaded other and pertinent posts..:-D
And I wasn't insinuating you had no interests in drugs,more the lack of interest in the area of drug knowledge/facts...drugs are interesting in general to consume,but most get bored to death with talk of anslinger,or rehab percentages etc..of course the drama factor isn't there,the main drive in most peoples curiosity driven studies,not the satisfaction of knowing truth,sadly.
Let's face the truth,you wouldn't be Sunni or be here if you had no interest in drugs :-D

You'd be this guy! :-D


Staff member
I figured that out after this janky site loaded other and pertinent posts..:-D
And I wasn't insinuating you had no interests in drugs,more the lack of interest in the area of drug knowledge/facts...drugs are interesting in general to consume,but most get bored to death with talk of anslinger,or rehab percentages etc..of course the drama factor isn't there,the main drive in most peoples curiosity driven studies,not the satisfaction of knowing truth,sadly.
Let's face the truth,you wouldn't be Sunni or be here if you had no interest in drugs :-D

You'd be this guy! :-D
View attachment 3327260
HHAHA if only you knew my education you would laugh hysterically at that comment :D

just because i work part time at a library doesnt mean i reveal my true life


Well-Known Member
Hmmm well I'm celebrating so thought I'd share.
For me, my beloved psychedelics and opiates are reserved for private nights usually..
Having a party though: 7mg (lol meant 7 bars of 2mg, already high) of xanax, 1\8 of quality coke, half oz of bud and some alcohol. Per person. My company drinks to much and only quality, thats on them. Bottle of eldorado 12 year rum for me.
Its the most amazing combination for a party. The bars kick in and your outa there on the first few puffs of weed, staying up and coming back to earth each time a line is hit bringing you to complete bliss.

Anyway whatever y'all were talking about, carry on. Ill end up losing or forgetting a solid 3 days off them bars, so special occasions only :)
there's no way you could take 14mg of real xanax and remember the night you took simply isn't possible. as a person who's taken large amounts of prescribed xanax i can tell you for fact that it is absolutely impossible to ingest 14 mg of xanax and remember what the fuck you did. you should know that one of the most commonly faked pills is xanax. you might think you did 14mg of xanax some blow and some tree, but i'm telling you bro, you really fucking didn't lol. i don't care what your tolerance is. 14mg of xanax and you are blacked the fuck out. there is no memory. you didn't do real xanax if you think you did 14mg and remember it.


Well-Known Member
Did not say I lose 3days?
"Old one of drkl. Aymeastvt w ivk Agee
Yesterday at 1:33 AM

What 40 mg of xanax looks like and enough fish scale to keep me typing.. That's 20 bars sir, spread out over 24 hrs. Mind fucked. Thisnt off the strests. Problem is when your on ERM you feel sober, 8 hate bays t the next day. To be fair most tap out at 4 bars, I don't even feel one. Hey look ATC my topping, its pretty good if I use t he slider
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
HHAHA if only you knew my education you would laugh hysterically at that comment :D

just because i work part time at a library doesnt mean i reveal my true life
You wouldn't need to talk about yourself,if you put that highlighted sentence back in context and realized it was wrote to explain my mistaken meaning from your 1947 comment,not to attack you personally..
Tbh,I could care less what you know or do for a living,I like the mental picture of "Sunni the mod mama" behind LCD computer screens,mounted around a gamer chair...
I at least know this is most definitely a close realistic description...librarian or winner of dope jeopardy just doesn't appeal to me after a few dabs.:-D
You need any muscle to lean on those delinquent accounts,and get those fines owed to you for late returned book payed? You know,scare a few knee-caps??
We got ya,no body messes with the sunni :-D


Well-Known Member
Yea,I smoked with chong at the WHEE3 fest there..
Back when shit was off the chain,I went there,and at the main cross roads of the camp,on the corner,Fats was holding a ten-pack (maybe more)of dancing condoms in plain sight,pitching loudly "whatever you want,I got it..if I don't,MY BOY DOES!!"..
I drank a big gulp cup of shroom tea as I left that was right after Woodstock 2...
Long time ago..I partied there so much,we have a special hotel room at a local mom and pop hotel...
Great venue,sound,staff,dead played there,didn't know the jubilee had moved tho..
GET A BAG OF DUMPSTER. I promise you there will be no disappointment.
The quarry is cooler imo/e..your kids would love it..
You'll do great with your glass too..btw,p.m. me,I wanna commission you to blow a bong for my buddy's up front too.:-D

Maybe I'll go too...

Whee at bill condes property outside of eugene or in ohio? I lived on the property in oregon a few summers in a row.


Well-Known Member
Ohio..buckeye lake music I old and I went to tons of shows at diff venues there in the late 90s on forward..