I completely agree with Lemon, it's a child the child can not choose at it's age whether it's picture should be placed on a marijuana growing forum so therefore, IMO, it should not be. If consenting adults want to post pics of themselves that's one thing, posting pictures of a child online is irresponsible to put it really god damn nicely.
The last thing this world needs is more irresponsible parenting or more kids in foster homes because this kids dad decided to put his entire fucking life online. If someone really wanted to he could be tracked down in mere minutes with that hospital picture. Whether legal or not in your state everyone knows the feds will come take your kids then what? The kids got a fucked up life all because daddy was a little snap happy and didn't use his head.
I understand that's his decision, but it's not a decision he should be able to make for others, whether they are his children or not. They are still children. FYI I feel exactly the same way about people positing facebook pictures.
Not that many people are scared of the canadian government...US on the other hand...
I sure am. Mandatory minimums for having 6 plants in an owned dwelling 5 plants in a rented. 6 months mandatory, on top of that nice little mandatory you will be labeled as a gang member for the rest of your life as that are what Harper's laws are meant to do, everyone that grows 6 plants is a member of organized crime according to the Canadian government. A government quickly latching on to American private prison strategy and drug law enforcement practices.
Canada's War on Weed - Check it out, it's on Youtube. A good short watch but still informative.
It should be against international human rights law that no man should be imprisoned for profit, but that will be the day. Governments wouldn't be so quick to lock someone up for stealing a kit kat.