How Do You Rail?


Well-Known Member
isnt there a way to make a bill stay rolled up?
after I do a couple lines in it they tend to stay rolled up.If I have them I use 100's just for the hell of it lol.
Them fat mcdonalds straws work good to and coke builds up in them easy.


Well-Known Member
Alright I figured out how to tuck the bill to make it stay tucked. I'll post later with pics when I get back to my computer. It's pretty cool.
im telling yall you dont have to tuck it or nothing just do a couple lines through it of some good oily shit and it will get stuck like that.


Well-Known Member
OK ... let me explain to you one more time TIME.
Cash will carry diseases ... your clean personal straw
will not.

Food for thought.

Heroic doses are for people who have something to prove ... and fools.
Knowing your chemical .... that is another thing.
Ide like to do a heroic dose of L but dont feel a fool for it, or I have something to prove? I am just very interested in where this chemical can lead.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
How many of you MoFo's were at the register somewhere reachenin your pocket to pay and out comes twisted up bill?
I got my ass stripped searched, Butt ass naked bent over at the immigration office border between U.S and Canada cause a dogg smelt somethen on me in a line up, supposedly he gave me the extra wiff when he was behind me. Turned out i had coke residue on my drivers license, that i eventually walked clean for but scarred lol. Could the dogg have smelt that? Or do they just check licenses for the shit

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
How many of you MoFo's were at the register somewhere reachenin your pocket to pay and out comes twisted up bill?
I got my ass stripped searched, Butt ass naked bent over at the immigration office border between U.S and Canada cause a dogg smelt somethen on me in a line up, supposedly he gave me the extra wiff when he was behind me. Turned out i had coke residue on my drivers license, that i eventually walked clean for but scarred lol. Could the dogg have smelt that? Or do they just check licenses for the shit
Same thing happened to me on a return flight from Amsterdam.
They took me to the room and told me ... coke residue was found on
my license. I simply told them my ID gets scanned on the way
into clubs. (They do this in some places)
All went well !

But they did X-Rayed my Dock Martins !!
Which for that time ... was unheard off !


Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Lol at least they didnt have you bend over butt naked i thought they were gonna look up in there.
They didnt though im the type that gets paranoid as hell even i dont have shit on me. And then they get even more interested and digg deeper lol i need chill out around Immagaration and the po pos


Well-Known Member
the first time i did coke i did it out of a bullet. those things are awesome. its basically a coke one hitter.

the bottom unscrews, you put ur powder in and screw it back on. then turn the plastic piece that goes through it down. dump ur bump. turn it over and sniff yeyeyeye.

bad explanation but watever haha


Well-Known Member
oh DUH ...i used to use a little green see thru one. i forgot about that thing, where the fuck did that thing go? hrmm. well anyhow, in the pic he provided the thing looked huge.

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Man out of all the X ive done yayo only dozen x had no after xtreme paraniod effects its always cutt and dirty. But if i had an oxy 40mg old skool ones to pop afterwords never bad after effect smooth sailing i could rail 6 grams and if i got an oxy aferwords id just be relaxed i used to be nuts lol