How do You Sprout Seeds?!

beautiful picture.! i really like how you pop open tge shell.

No shit? Never heard of doing that before.

You must have a steady hand. 8-)

It was just a test to see if it would work. The shell is only there for physical protection. It's pretty easy though, I said scalp but it's more like scraping. If you scrape the edges off you can pop it open fairly easy.

But I was being sarcastic, seeds pop "despite" many of the methods used, not thanks to. When seeds really don't pop (even when the conditions are optimal), remain dormant, for example old ones, it's either the shell or the embryo. To exclude the former, you can damage the shell physically just a little (like putting it in matchbox with sandpaper and shake, or scrape off a little of the shell).
Good read on seed dormancy:

Seeds pop when they reach a certain threshold of water contents, which obviously is done a little faster when soaking the seeds. Which I do because I got plenty of seeds and allows me to pick those that pop at the same rate (a few days difference is a lot especially on hydro...), otherwise I'd just put them directly in the medium.
I moisten a starter mix (peat moss) and put a seed in the soil. I mist a couple times a day with a sprayer and all my seeds emerge in 3-4 days.

The crazy convolutions people go through to sprout a seed are mostly ridiculous and lots of good seeds are killed in the simple process of germination.
Soak a paper towel, wring it out until it's just wet, not dripping. One seed per towel, towel in baggie. Place in a cool dark place (not refridgerator). Open in 2-3 days. Will have a tail by then. Plant in soil and try not to touch the seed, but have occasionally with NO problems. Keep soil moist until she breaks through. I usually water with a syringe for the first week or so,

Planting the seed upside down or sideways doesn't seem to matter.

This ^ was always my favorite way to do it. But last 2 years ive been just soaking for 12-24 hours in water and planting in cups of roots organic. Maybe a 3/4" hole with my finger and lightly cover. Same success rate just takes longer to pop out of the soil. I got some real seeds (first order) for next year so I might go back to the papertowel method for the special seeds.
This ^ was always my favorite way to do it. But last 2 years ive been just soaking for 12-24 hours in water and planting in cups of roots organic. Maybe a 3/4" hole with my finger and lightly cover. Same success rate just takes longer to pop out of the soil. I got some real seeds (first order) for next year so I might go back to the papertowel method for the special seeds.
hahaha i hear ya, thats what im doing, practicing on my seeds before i go to the pros, because haha i already killed some of my new pro seeds, but I think I almost have it down.

It was just a test to see if it would work. The shell is only there for physical protection. It's pretty easy though, I said scalp but it's more like scraping. If you scrape the edges off you can pop it open fairly easy.

But I was being sarcastic, seeds pop "despite" many of the methods used, not thanks to. When seeds really don't pop (even when the conditions are optimal), remain dormant, for example old ones, it's either the shell or the embryo. To exclude the former, you can damage the shell physically just a little (like putting it in matchbox with sandpaper and shake, or scrape off a little of the shell).
Good read on seed dormancy:

Seeds pop when they reach a certain threshold of water contents, which obviously is done a little faster when soaking the seeds. Which I do because I got plenty of seeds and allows me to pick those that pop at the same rate (a few days difference is a lot especially on hydro...), otherwise I'd just put them directly in the medium.
Nice thanks so much for all that great information.!