How do YOU start seedlings?

I normally start them from the beginning.

Im a simple person. I put them in dirt and then water the dirt.. transplant when the roots tell me to.
Clam method,2 small saucers put paper towel on the bottom one damp the towel first,then the seeds on it,then paper towel damp again over the top of the seeds ,then another saucer over the top then then into a bag,leave em two days before you check but they may take a few days more ,but more often than not there done in 2/3 days .by doing it this way you know what's what when it comes to the fastest to split ,more often than not the first to split will be the front runners growing wise ,plus your not waiting for seeds to poke through soil,if there not going to ,you only end up trying to get them out to see what's going on with them if it takes its time
Soak seeds in a cup of water til they sprout. Take a party cup and fill it with soil and water. Place the sprout on top of the soil. Then top dress a layer of wet coco. Then put a ziploc bag over the cup (to keep the soil and coco from drying out ). Then remove the bag once the seedling dropped it's helmet (shell)
I do like @hyroot. Have some going right now, dropped them in only 2-3 days ago and already all have cracked. Couldn't be simpler.

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I don't like.planting directly into soil. I've had seeds disappear or some how move too deep into the soil that way. With the cost of seeds you don't want to lose any. The soaking part I got from Soma's book (soma seeds) . The rest I figured out via trial and error
I don't like.planting directly into soil. I've had seeds disappear or some how move too deep into the soil that way.
Yes, I've planted directly into soil and become paranoid that the seed is drying out, so I watered, only to become paranoid that the seed has now been pushed deeper into the soil :confused: Placing an already cracked seed near the moist surface ensures neither of these issues become relevant.
If you're seeds aren't too old, you really can do just about any of these and be fine, as long as you don't overwater.
I throughly soak the soil and plant the seeds shallow. Spray/mist or lightly soak the top of soil after planting. Then cover with ziplock it plastic to hold in humidity.