How do you sue someone out of state


Well-Known Member
This female I was hanging with when she came home from a month (she lives in another state) borrowed 1k from me and has now ghosted me the last 3 days. I sent her the money via paypal when she was driving home caught in a storm.. What steps do I take to sue this Bi*ch??
This female I was hanging with when she came home from a month (she lives in another state) borrowed 1k from me and has now ghosted me the last 3 days. I sent her the money via paypal when she was driving home caught in a storm.. What steps do I take to sue this Bi*ch??
I hope you at least got some action for the 1 grand, lol.
I hope you at least got some action for the 1 grand, lol.

Well yeah I got some haha... We left on ok terms... She is now just ghosting me bc she owes me money.. The funny thing is she has 50k in cryptos she said... She is liberal and my other buddy said, "Liberals want there money and you're money".
All these people are the same when it comes to trying to fu*k people out of money... She also gets 2500 a month in a trust fund too so she says.. Just doesn't want to pay. Was suppose to get the money over 1 week ago.
Well yeah I got some haha... We left on ok terms... She is now just ghosting me bc she owes me money.. The funny thing is she has 50k in cryptos she said... She is liberal and my other buddy said, "Liberals want there money and you're money".
I hope you've been nice if you ever want more action. Be nice, and she might pay you back twice:P.
I hope you've been nice if you ever want more action. Be nice, and she might pay you back twice:P.

She said I am a mean person. I have health issues and I'm def not happy.... Like I said she left on good terms sort of, just doesn't want to pay me back.... Shes one of these people that thinks her world is coming to an end of some dumb shit.
She said I am a mean person. I have health issues and I'm def not happy.... Like I said she left on good terms sort of, just doesn't want to pay me back.... Shes one of these people that thinks her world is coming to an end of some dumb shit.
You're ass out man, lol.
I hope you've been nice if you ever want more action. Be nice, and she might pay you back twice:P.
She actually said my attitude was an F and my d*ck game was an A+.. Now I got to hope she calls me again and I will kiss her ass until I get my money then ghost her for good.
Unless you also have a signed IOU or loan paper, it's her word vs yours and the civil courts will do nothing, even though Paypal shows the transfer; it could be for anything. The best you can do is rat her to the IRS and hope they get her for not paying tax on the 1000. Or you can take her to a hog farm
Unless you also have a signed IOU or loan paper, it's her word vs yours and the civil courts will do nothing, even though Paypal shows the transfer; it could be for anything. The best you can do is rat her to the IRS and hope they get her for not paying tax on the 1000. Or you can take her to a hog farm

I have a FB message saying she will pay me back as soon as she can.. That is more than proof... Nobody ever gets it written on a piece of paper.
Unless you also have a signed IOU or loan paper, it's her word vs yours and the civil courts will do nothing, even though Paypal shows the transfer; it could be for anything. The best you can do is rat her to the IRS and hope they get her for not paying tax on the 1000. Or you can take her to a hog farm

What is the way to sue somebody though that lives out of state? She basically robbed me.
Nope, she didn't rob you. Robbery requires force or threat of force. I'll betcha she's shacked up with your trimmer and they are figuring out other wways to defraud you

Ok its not robbery, but she still owes me 1k... I have multiply messages saying she owes me.