How do you sue someone out of state

Man if you got rid of that bitch and it only cost you a grand , you won !!! Go celebrate and find your next ex .

Yeah one of these people where can't handle life bc of something stupid.. If she had real problems she would melt like the wicked witch of the west...
This female I was hanging with when she came home from a month (she lives in another state) borrowed 1k from me and has now ghosted me the last 3 days. I sent her the money via paypal when she was driving home caught in a storm.. What steps do I take to sue this Bi*ch??
You had no “terms” on the loan tho right? You never wrote up how interest was accrued or whatever? So you can’t sue, she is fulfilling her end and plans to repay you..someday. I think your shit outta luck tbh….just call it a cheap lesson in friendship boundary training.
1.All she has to do is claim it was a gift. 2 even if you won doesn’t mean she will pay. Will just have a judgement against her. So it will be just a waste of your time. Personally I would just post her phone number out for a good time
I just started talking to this girl, she doesn't live around me but is from my hometown and comes home a 2-3 times a year. Thinking of being a sugar daddy to her I am late 30's and she is early 20's. She's def not a hoe, she went to a very small private school and def seems like a good girl. I kind of brought up sex and she said she's no prostitute. Thoughts? What should I say next?
It was a cash and carry relationship from the start by your design. You owed her that 1 grand for all the bullshit she put up with you and now you are talking threatening her. I hope she gets YOU locked up for terrorist threats.

Walk away idiot.