Well-Known Member
.Definitely will grow my own someday soon.
What's the usual reaction from a mushroom trip? Do you sit quietly like DMT or is it an energizing experience?
What you make it --- all about set and setting.
My preference is outdoors and away from crowds - hiking seems to be my favorite; the mushies energize and entertain the whole way.
However, I spent a night on a couch considering the structure of wood and watching the rain melt the windows onto the couch while ancient music came from the fireplace - and enjoyed that too.
IMHO - outdoors is more entertaining and energetic, indoors is more introspective and thoughtful.
My last dose was A LOT - 1/4 oz liberty caps each with two friends - all experienced psychonauts.
(we bought an ounce, but the fourth friend couldn't make it)
Eaten with a Tbsp of honey and a big cup of OJ (bro-science trip booster) --- I've had them on pizza & just eaten them too - not awful if you like the taste of other kinds of raw mushrooms.
Warm day on a remote beach - best trip I ever had! Good, happy vibes, strong auditory & visuals, laughed till our cheeks hurt.
Maybe that's why I haven't dosed since --- that's a HIGH bar (pun intended).
Then again, that might help reset these Covid blues.
(Safely) Enjoy!