How Do You Tell Someone God Won't Heal Them?


Active Member
Insofar as you've explained it, I belive I understand the situation quite well. To be sure, I just re-read all four pages of this thread and my opinion hasn't changed.

I'm not being an asshole here for the sake of it, but I've grown intollerent of people who want to "help," but in reality do nothing but complicate matters which they should not even be involved in. You want an example of what "helpful" people can do? Look at Liberia, we sure helped them. Or El Salvador, we helped them too. Need I mention the death squads manned by American trained and armed child-soldiers? Name just about any other third world hole of a nation and you get pretty much the same story. We decided to get involved and bang-poof all of a sudden, they're worse off for it. It's really no wonder other nations hate us. Same principals apply to interpersonal relationships. Results are pretty much the same too.

There's an old saying that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." I think that applies here.
I understand where you are coming for dr nick but I think you did miss it a bit she felt as if she wanted to but knew it wasn't the right option it appears to be phrased to get opinions while find a better way....I like the way rene chose to handle it


Well-Known Member
well dr nick you are entitled to your opinion....i also understand your point but it was not my intention to tell her its not happen so no need to direct me not to "help" as you put it
how does the OP know that God dosent heal?
I also find interesting that most agnostics and non believers in general do not capitalize the "G" in God, choosing in fact to leave it lower case as a sign of protest against religion.

Religion is like a crutch as it helps people balance an ordinary life that would "outo of control" without something or someone to lean on.

Why would you want to ruin that for such an elderly person or people? Keep your mouth shut and enjoy knowing that they have peace in their lives thru Christ and you have eternal damnation to look forward to.


Well-Known Member
Funny...I don't feel I have eternal damnation to look forward to at all in fact I have no I have said my beliefs are somewhat conflicted on the subject of god...I do not leave it lower case as protest I do it because I'm a stoner and it is easier...I didn't say god if he exists can't heal though if he does and he is the creator of all we behold who are we to ask any more of him? As far as religion it is a great set of guidelines though you won't see me following an organization God and religion are different things...I try to live life the best I I said before if god exists my actions throughout my life will out way the fact my beliefs were far as the woman she addmitted she felt she shouldn't have asked to be healed that if god will it it will be done,that we have to accept what we get this is the conclusion I had wanted her to reach...she did but simply being able to express herself...I feel we can't put too much hope in such things as if god exists he can't heal us all


Well-Known Member
get her a gigolo
Lmao that would be a temporary when I posted this the intention was to get peoples views as well as find a way to help with out being detrimental to the woman should have expected asshole post but if we can refrain from bashing my beliefs or me in anyway that would be appreciated as I haven't bashed people for disagreeing fine to disagree just unnecessary to be a jerk
how does the OP know that God dosent heal?
I also find interesting that most agnostics and non believers in general do not capitalize the "G" in God, choosing in fact to leave it lower case as a sign of protest against religion.

Religion is like a crutch as it helps people balance an ordinary life that would "outo of control" without something or someone to lean on.

Why would you want to ruin that for such an elderly person or people? Keep your mouth shut and enjoy knowing that they have peace in their lives thru Christ and you have eternal damnation to look forward to.
Wow some people need to learn to read before running their cock sucker..friend of yours doc? She already said in a previous post she wasn't going to talk of her views but encourage her through words of the bible to allow the woman to retain the peace she has found in christ...naybe you should take a page from the book not your place to pass judgment on people in anyway


Well-Known Member
Wow some people need to learn to read before running their cock sucker..friend of yours doc? She already said in a previous post she wasn't going to talk of her views but encourage her through words of the bible to allow the woman to retain the peace she has found in christ...naybe you should take a page from the book not your place to pass judgment on people in anyway
WTF???????????? You DO have some sort of problem with me don't you? I wasn't passing judgement on anyone! Damn, I thought this was a forum of stoners, not tweakers! Sheesh!:-P


Insofar as you've explained it, I belive I understand the situation quite well. To be sure, I just re-read all four pages of this thread and my opinion hasn't changed.

I'm not being an asshole here for the sake of it, but I've grown intollerent of people who want to "help," but in reality do nothing but complicate matters which they should not even be involved in. You want an example of what "helpful" people can do? Look at Liberia, we sure helped them. Or El Salvador, we helped them too. Need I mention the death squads manned by American trained and armed child-soldiers? Name just about any other third world hole of a nation and you get pretty much the same story. We decided to get involved and bang-poof all of a sudden, they're worse off for it. It's really no wonder other nations hate us. Same principals apply to interpersonal relationships. Results are pretty much the same too.

There's an old saying that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." I think that applies here.
~LOL~ wtf??!!! Rant much?
1) none of that political bullshit had anything to do with the current conversation
2) our government has never concerned itself with helping anyone, but of course they need to tell the U.N. something that sounds better than "we liked what they had, so we're gonna go take it home with us"
3) not her place? if they ask her, it is her place to answer...both parties are consenting
4) sit down first, this is going to come as a can indeed help other people. I know!!! crazy shit, huh? Done it more than a few times in my life, the only danger with being honestly helpful is sticking around to long and becoming a crutch, as such its better to help anon. lot more effective in the long run
5) your intolerant, huh? okay, what are you going to do about it? yep, thats right, not a fucking thing. neither of us have any authority or power in this forum, as such neither of us have the ability really to be intolerant. To be intolerant insinuates that you can stop it as soon as it starts. don't worry, i'll wait.

as far as the old saying, I understand it, but always thought it was stupid as shit. Because you'll go to heaven if you have bad intentions, right? As far as I can tell from scripture, if they're right, we're all gonna burn, so that isn't even worth considering.
WTF???????????? You DO have some sort of problem with me don't you? I wasn't passing judgement on anyone! Damn, I thought this was a forum of stoners, not tweakers! Sheesh!:-P
Well I see you aren't sincere that was posted before your comment on other thread...some peoples kids can't read properly wasn't directed at you


Well I see you aren't sincere that was posted before your comment on other thread...some peoples kids can't read properly wasn't directed at you
The post he was responding to referred to him by does that make him "insincere" i'm just curious, 'cause you lost me


Well-Known Member
Wow some people need to learn to read before running their cock sucker..friend of yours doc? She already said in a previous post she wasn't going to talk of her views but encourage her through words of the bible to allow the woman to retain the peace she has found in christ...naybe you should take a page from the book not your place to pass judgment on people in anyway
Though I appreciate your defense wonderwoman I caution you to be less abrasive as doc is my friend help but sont spread your hate here please and thank you