how do you turn a female clone or seed hermie?


Well-Known Member
i got one clone from my friend and i wanna turn it hermie to get seeds.what do i do?i heard using chemicals but i dont wanna fuck with any chemicals


New Member
4 choices, let the plant continue to flower a long time, light stressing, cs silver and sts in order of what you seem to prefer.


Active Member
I heard you get yourself some very close to pure silver, some clamps and a AC adapter. Basically you clamp the 2 pieces of silver then you wire the ac adapter to the clamps with the silver partially submerged (important: don't submerge the clamps at all). The water gets silver charged after a while as tiny silver particles are suspended in the water. Then you spray with the water throughout flowering. Of coarse this is dangerous with the wires and water and all so be careful if you try it. And don't use this as an instruction, use it to look up someones guide who has actually done it. Good Luck on Fem seeds.


Well-Known Member
You could always just grow a male for some pollen. I don't like growing plants that easily herm. That shit gets annoying.


Well-Known Member
man its pretty hard to get a male but i just wanna keep this strain for future purpose but i want the genetics to stay the same its purfect for cfl perpetual mini grow but yea a hermie thats not wanted like my fucken sativa pain in the ass i got like 1000 seeds of that 50 50 chance of hermie or pure female