How does God orchestrate such a perfect Symphony?

"There are three types of people in this world; those that see, those that see when they are shown, and those that do not see. Oh wretched mortals open your eyes " DaVinchi

Wretched mortal is strictly his opinion I prefer the beautiful people. Ok let me try to show you something. Let it be known that I can not tell you anything you don't already intuitively know.

Always be Aware of Space: Can you become directly aware of all the empty space around you?

Time is an illusion but the Earth is very Real: there is no time all that exists is the universe at this present moment. Eternity

All things come and go but the Light remains Eternal: you are the Light, Awareness, the stillness, the Silent Witness, not fleeting, Unwavering, Eternal, immortal.

The world is not hell it is actually a very peaceful paradise.

@DaSprout @HeatlessBBQ @VegasWinner @skuba @mikek420 @Heisenberg @tyler.durden@Padawanbater2
All opinions on the subject aside, I'm sorry to hear about your friends and your friend's best friend. I hope he finds rest.
All opinions on the subject aside, I'm sorry to hear about your friends and your friend's best friend. I hope he finds rest.
He's at perfect peace, death 8 synonymous with sleep; loss of consciousness. Suffering no matter how bad is fleeting; in the end there is only peace. Thank you I appreciate it.
Given that we have free will, I'd say that there are an infinite amount of possibilities in every moment, but we are conscious of the path we're taking at the moment.

I'm wondering though, if you're taking the synchronystic flowing path of pure free will, if that is "destiny" or "fate", and if struggling against the heart's path is just a hang up for where we're inevitably headed anyway.

Excuse my rambling, I'm stoned as fuck.
@Rrog are you denying the existence of atoms? or are you just viewing the as bits of information? which they very well could be.

How does pure consciousness create a universe or video game as you call it?

@astronautrob thought you might be interested in reading this thread

This is a nice look at all of this. Obviously there will always be questions with no answers, as well as opinions, however this video sums up the various quantum physics theories, and where we are today

Interestingly, in 2015 the double slit experiment was done again in a huge experiment, with the same comical results. You'll see what I mean by comical when you watch the video. These things really vexed Albert Einstein. It's still creeping out physicists.

This is a nice look at all of this. Obviously there will always be questions with no answers, as well as opinions, however this video sums up the various quantum physics theories, and where we are today

Interestingly, in 2015 the double slit experiment was done again in a huge experiment, with the same comical results. You'll see what I mean by comical when you watch the video. These things really vexed Albert Einstein. It's still creeping out physicists.
Thanks a bunch can't wait to watch

This is a nice look at all of this. Obviously there will always be questions with no answers, as well as opinions, however this video sums up the various quantum physics theories, and where we are today

Interestingly, in 2015 the double slit experiment was done again in a huge experiment, with the same comical results. You'll see what I mean by comical when you watch the video. These things really vexed Albert Einstein. It's still creeping out physicists.
Thanks a lot Rrog very good video very informative. Yes I agree that consciousness is god, we are consciousness, we are God.

"We have created man from the dust of the ground, We mean to try him" Muhammad
So if I understand correctly @Rrog @DaSprout @tyler.durden @Heisenberg @skuba there are an infinite number of possibilities that exist as a wave function and we can only perceive one so ultimately we are deciding whether or not the cat is dead, we are sub consciously choosing which probability to perceive and make into our own reality. Does that make sense? This opens the door to free will and possibly even the law of attraction both of which I've never believed in, does it not?
Free will is definitely part of our experience. And our interaction with our surroundings affects the surroundings. A conscious interaction with an electron changes it. Same has been shown for photons, and even small molecules called "Bucky Balls" or some such. All will behave as probability waves unless we peek
Again, I love the prospect of this uniting of Quantum Physics and Spirituality.

Also keep in mind that while the term "theoretical" is used in the term "Theoretical Physics," it is the subject of a huge swath of science. Huge budgets like the Large Hadron Collider. It's incredibly well studied by thousands of people daily. And this is where the science brings us. To the edge of reality itself

So if I understand correctly @Rrog @DaSprout @tyler.durden @Heisenberg @skuba there are an infinite number of possibilities that exist as a wave function and we can only perceive one so ultimately we are deciding whether or not the cat is dead, we are sub consciously choosing which probability to perceive and make into our own reality. Does that make sense? This opens the door to free will and possibly even the law of attraction both of which I've never believed in, does it not?

Consciousness/perception is not a necessary factor. We can remove consciousness and get the same results. An "observer" can be anything from a mindless sensor to a piece of paper.

"Quantum physics is claimed to support the mystical notion that the mind creates reality. However, an objective reality, with no special role for consciousness, human or cosmic, is consistent with all observations."

"QM states that light, electrons, and all fundamental particles exist not as discrete point particles, but spread out as a wave. We can only describe the probability that they will be in a specific place at any moment, and that probability is the wave function. Particles, when free from interactions with other matter, actually behave like waves (see the double slit experiments).

But when a particle (whether of photon of light or an electron) interacts with other stuff they are no longer spread out but collapse down to a point particle. This is the wave-particle duality of matter. The collapse to a particle, however, is not dependent on any observer – just interaction with other stuff. No observer is necessary. When a photon from the sun strikes the earth and its energy is absorbed by a leaf on a tree in the middle of the jungle, it collapses to a particle. The same is true when it strikes a dead rocky asteroid out in space. Consciousness, and even life, is not necessary."
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The point of the double slit obviously is to show the particle behavior when a consciousness is involved.

The above post is looking to associate two different results from two independent events and summing that they are the same
The point of the double slit obviously is to show the particle behavior when a consciousness is involved.

Scientific experiments are not designed to "show" anything, but rather to test an idea in such a way that reality is the judge. I do agree, however, that subsequent experiments were designed to test if consciousness mattered. They isolated consciousness and removed it as a factor, and still found the same effect. If you remove a factor and still get the same outcome, then that factor had nothing to do with the outcome. There is no room for any other interpretation.

An experiment is a question posed to reality, and regardless of the answer you were hoping for, the answer that maters is the one that mother nature gives, and what she has told us is that consciousness is irrelevant to the outcome of this phenomenon.

If removing consciousness from the equation doesn't convince you that consciousness isn't part of the equation, then what would convince you? I mean, if we controlled for consciousness and the effect disappeared, I would accept that as evidence that consciousness exerts some fundamental influence. But that's not what happened, and I can't just wave my hand and pretend it doesn't matter. So how can you?

"The results of the experiment depend not at all on the presence or absence of an observer or a consciousness. What matters is whether or not there is a detector in each slit, detecting the presence of the photon as it passes through the slit. In other words, if the photon has to interact with any particle of matter, then the probability wave must collapse and it behaves like a particle. If the photon is not detected, however, then it continues to travel as a wave until it hits the film or photon detector on the other side of the slit, at which point the wave function collapses.

The only thing that matters is whether or not the photons are detected or interacted with in any way prior to or after passing through the slits. This has absolutely nothing to do with consciousness or an observer. This is the common misunderstanding of the quantum gurus." – Steven Novella
The double slit in its more complex forms, like they demonstrated in the video I shared involved only observation through photon counters, not conscious observers.

These guys did some very advanced tests that beat the double slit to a pulp. They demonsted that all potential outcomes are always in existence in wave form and could interact with any point in their photon maze regardless of observation.