coke isn't an experience, its a drug. stop thinking about it like taste or if its better than coke. they are absolutely nothing alike. you will be a different person after tripping. a happier, more lively person. You will love your family more! you will love life more! you won't want to do coke anymore. You might be like yeah fucking right, but if you got thirty bucks, don't take my word for it, try to score three hits of some needlepoint or good lucy. just do it, see how it taste.
Prepare to have your mind fucking blown, watch a few movies. grab "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind"(jim carry, kate winslete, epic as shit) "a beautiful mind", "inception", "garden state", "idiocracy", "the island", I'm not just listing random decent movies, these are all movies that will BLOW YOUR MIND on acid. I'm fucking serious, please do it.