How does my 3 week old sprout look


New Member
This is my second attempt at growing so far
I started growing this seed on July 31 and everything was going fine until two nights ago August 14 when i checked on the sprout I noticed that the embryo leaves started turning yellow however the true leaves look alright to me.

I have checked water ph and and room temperature everything seems to be fine
Room temp: 25c-30c
Water ph: 6.0-6.5

I also have a 400w metal halide lamp running 18/6
so I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or is it just natural for the embryo leave to start turning yellow
I have also noticed that it's growing rate slowed down a lot

I think that the plant is healthy however I can't really judge as I lack the experience

Please let me know if this would be considered as a healthy plant.