How does my first bagseed grow look ?

doing fine. you're on the right track by recognizing staying too wet is only a bad thing. GL
Yep, look nice :) I normally bury some of the stem on pot up, I try to get up as close as I can to the first set of leaves. I think having a longer stem can have it's advantages too though, since wind bending the plant will cause it to root deeper to anchor itself ( in theory lol)
They are a little bit stretched which is a consequence of not getting enough light, so if you can move them to a spot with more direct sunlight that will help, also next time you repot them you can bury those stems up until the first set of leaves (and for now fill up the pots to the very top). As for the rain and saturated soil, buy some perlite to mix in with the soil you are using it will help alot with the drainage. The plants look fine though use this grow to learn as much as you can from the plants themselves and next time you will be laughing. good luck
They are a little bit stretched which is a consequence of not getting enough light, so if you can move them to a spot with more direct sunlight that will help, also next time you repot them you can bury those stems up until the first set of leaves (and for now fill up the pots to the very top). As for the rain and saturated soil, buy some perlite to mix in with the soil you are using it will help alot with the drainage. The plants look fine though use this grow to learn as much as you can from the plants themselves and next time you will be laughing. good luck
Can i add perlite now after? Or is it to late? thx btw
Can i add perlite now after? Or is it to late? thx btw
it needs to be part of your soil so you cant mix it in now, if you add more soil to the fill up your pots (which i would recommend) mix perlite in to the new soil before you add it, like 20% should be fine, it does make things a lot nicer
it needs to be part of your soil so you cant mix it in now, if you add more soil to the fill up your pots (which i would recommend) mix perlite in to the new soil before you add it, like 20% should be fine, it does make things a lot nicer
okay got it thx for the help dude!
it needs to be part of your soil so you cant mix it in now, if you add more soil to the fill up your pots (which i would recommend) mix perlite in to the new soil before you add it, like 20% should be fine, it does make things a lot nicer
Are there any other alternatives to perlite? kind of Hard to get my hands on it
Lookin good. Just a lil stretchy but nothing that can't be fixed. Like previous posts bury your stalks up as high as you can get them. They will grow more roots out of whatver got buried. As for perlite, u could go too walmart or lowes n just get the miracle grow brand perlite. It has a tiny bit of their nutes in it but not anything that will make a difference. The perlite will help make your soil a little more airy n make life a lot easier on you down the road.
Keep up te good work!
Lookin good. Just a lil stretchy but nothing that can't be fixed. Like previous posts bury your stalks up as high as you can get them. They will grow more roots out of whatver got buried. As for perlite, u could go too walmart or lowes n just get the miracle grow brand perlite. It has a tiny bit of their nutes in it but not anything that will make a difference. The perlite will help make your soil a little more airy n make life a lot easier on you down the road.
Keep up te good work!
I filled the rest of the pots up with soil but no perlite because i don't know where to find any in my country :(
haha i'm in Sweden. Does gravel work ?
It might work if you can get small pieces too mix in with it. Will atleast help with your don't have any greenhouses or plant nurserys anywhere near you? Those are the places too ask people where too get whatever you need. Sometimes you get lucky n they will sell you some or atleast point you too somewhere that does.
It might work if you can get small pieces too mix in with it. Will atleast help with your don't have any greenhouses or plant nurserys anywhere near you? Those are the places too ask people where too get whatever you need. Sometimes you get lucky n they will sell you some or atleast point you too somewhere that does.
I'l go to the city tomorrow and ask at a greenhouse thx again dude
Ok I found a website, might have a directory for u too find some or someone that can ship it. I can only make out bits n pieces of the site so u will have too look it over. U don't want the filter kind or pool kind. Scroll down till u see the ones that say either "perlite til planter" or " perlite og planter"
I'l go to the city tomorrow and ask at a greenhouse thx again dude
No problem man that's why we're here for. You should be able too find some now with that web address or ah the greenhouses. Lemme know if you do!
If you find the right place U will get a good deal. I just got a 21lb bag (4 cubic feet) bag of horticultural perlite for $13 usd at a random greenhouse I stopped at cause my normal place was out.